Saturday, May 23, 2020

Paneer 101

Diy cream cheese. I spooned  the last of the whole milk yogurt into a cheesecloth-lined sieve over a bowl, lid on, and left it overnight in the fridge.

And here's how it went this morning, ending in the last of the lentil bread with a spread of cream cheese for breakfast

Nothing wasted. The whey will go into soup.  The crumbs from breakfast lentil bread out for the birds.

Damp and warm this morning. After I tossed out the crumbs, I stood at the window breathing the lilac scent and the smell of damp earth, listening to the birds arguing, and was glad all over again that we chose this house.


  1. You are such a fine and frugal woman of the house!

  2. Yogurt would never get that far in our house because I'd be eating it as is. I love yogurt - and cottage cheese - and any kind of cheese.

    1. I buy eating yogurt and cooking yogurt. Same stuff but it helps avoid finishing it up and then needing some.

  3. I had a swirl of paneer on my afternoon caramel nut tart. Great combo, sharp yogurt taste, nut texture and caramel infused (posh) dough. Highly recommended.

  4. Ive been calling it paneer, but that's the cream cheese you make by collecting milk curds after you boil and sour the milk. Shoulda been saying labneh all along.

  5. Thank you!
    I've been trying to make drained cottage cheese for over a month.
    With all the fruit around, there hasn't been enough left after snacking. Reading your blog post here, I realize I should buy 2 cottage cheese. lol

    1. Yes. They've repealed the law about one cottage cheese at a time. I get into a one at a time frame of mind, and it's good to examine that scarcity mindset now and then.


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