Monday, May 11, 2020

Reward after an overdoing day

Today I seem to have done a bit too much. I do tend to forget I'm not a kid in my sixties any more.

So what with an energetic workout complete with weights, music practice, carrying the heavy awkward vacuum cleaner down a flight, vacuuming the downstairs including kitchen and bathroom, then lugging it back up, actually easier than down because it wasn't trying to pull me downstairs on the way up, and there was a shower in there somewhere, then lugging plants and potting soil about, doing the drying and folding of a large load of son's laundry as promised, and various other things, I found I was too tired to put it the laundry in the car and deliver it.

I want to drive the car at least a bit because I'm still learning how! New car six weeks ago, still mysteries. And I don't want to get too nervous to drive, which is possible in this kind of situation. I know myself rather well. When I'm doing things I'm great, confident, capable and all that. Stop doing and nerves take over.  Which is why I didn't arrange for him to pick up which he gladly would.

Anyway I ended up promising the laundry for tomorrow. And a few things I thought I'd do today, such as pizza dough. Sufficient unto the morrow be the pizza dough thereof.

And then, feeling a bit defeated, I suddenly saw this lovely friend sitting quietly on the feeder.

 I've made many attempts to get pictures but the redbellied woodpecker is the most skittish of visitors, taking off at the slightest movement from me. Only a moderately good picture, but it's like getting a blurred picture of Nessie. You're just glad anyway! It's taken him a year to return since I had the big dead branch removed, and the feeder hanging from it relocated, no overhead cover, let alone stay still a minute.

And finally he obliged. So this is a good day.


  1. I'm a kid in her sixties, and just reading about how busy you were today wore me out. Glad you were rewarded with the sighting and picture of your redbellied woodpecker friend!

    1. I think it was the reaction to just goofing off yesterday! I seemed to think I needed to do catch-up, for some mysterious reason.

  2. A full tiring day, I hope you can relax tonight.

    1. Sleep didn't come for ages. Odd that you can be tired and not sleep. Well, today is another day!

  3. What a beautiful red-bellied friend! Your post reminds me to thank you for telling us about some time ago. I'm managing to keep up with the 'exercises for seniors and the elderly' every couple of days, and thoroughly enjoying it.

    It is easy to overdo, when one gets the bit in one's teeth. Sounds like time to sit down with a cuppa, catch your breath, and pat yourself on the back for what you did accomplish.

    And tomorrow - pizza dough to look forward to. Sufficient to the day, etc.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I'm glad hasfit is working for you. It's well designed, with all the good resistance exercises, and yoga moves, and bits of Eight Pieces of Silk. I love the punching moves! My inner aggressor comes out.

  4. I hope you schedule in some time today to sit and watch for that woodpecker to come back. Woman, you're amazing!

    1. That's a seriously good idea. I need to learn to just sit.

  5. You did enough work for a week. It’s time to relax today! Take care.

    1. My default has always been when in doubt, do more. I may need to rethink that.

  6. I really don't have anyone to blame if I don't! I'm the worst boss, when I'm the employee.

  7. Can you see the "red belly" on these woodpeckers? They are frequent visitors to my suet feeder this year, along with the Downy and Hairy woodpeckers, and I am quite dazzled by their markings - but baffled by their name. Someone in Bird World may have been really tired of coming up with bird names that day...maybe the same person who came up with "Purple Finch" for those pomegranate-seed gems?

  8. The red belly is only seen on takeoff, not what you'd call a distinctive marker. I guess Red Headed was already taken. And why isn't it Raspberry Finch?

    I think we could have done a better job, really.

  9. In these still isolation days, I think having a really busy day is good. You know you've accomplished a lot.

    1. True. I've been living like this for many years, except that before the virus I could get to my interest groups once or twice a week. I don't think I've ever been bored for more than a few minutes. There's always interesting stuff to do. But I've never been good at knowing how much is enough!

  10. I've never seen that variety of woodie, other than in books. Some days we end up doing too much and other days we manage to slough off. Unfortunately the past few days have been mostly sloth on my part. Must rectify that!

    1. I think I can't not do things. A bit of sloth wouldn't be a bad addition to my repertoire.


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