Saturday, May 9, 2020

Basho, Villon, weathermen

In one way, all poets are weathermen, in the sense of rebels, but today more literally.

Basho, just happened on this haiku today

Has it returned,
The snow
We viewed together?

Centuries later comes Villon

Ah, ou sont les neiges d'antan?

Insert your own grave accent on the ou.

Translated often as "where are the snows of yesteryear?"

To which friends in New England can say today: right here, in fact.

No snow at my house but bitter wind, warm coat, gloves, fleecy pants, beret, hood pulled over it, and the wind was hard work to walk against. Blowing from all directions. I kept a close eye on the old trees as I went. They can come down with a split second of warning.  You listen for that creaking sound.  If you hear it, you run.

A 75' tree came down on a neighbor's house a couple of years ago. Her son, out on the patio playing cards, with beverages, with friends, heard the sound, yelled RUN, and they all as one man, first seized their beer (!) then ran.

 The tree crushed the fence and all the chairs and table they'd been sitting at. Then, very male, they set up the game indoors, hunting for more cards and refills. Yes, teenage boys, why do you ask?

Meanwhile his mother, white and shaking, ran to my house to decompress. We had tea.


  1. May you have no creaking or crashing today...

    1. Thank you. Home safe but out of breath.

  2. Great story! And quite typical, I'm afraid.

    1. And they were quite unaware that it was funny!

  3. Let’s hope it’s not that bad this time.

  4. Tea will help to calm your nerves.

    1. It certainly did on that occasion. As did taking care of her. That helped her. She doesn't get much care in a household of men,I think.

  5. Those chaps obviously had their priorities in line - beer first, run second. Glad they were okay and lived to drink those beers. We had snow flurries over the w'end....enough already!

    1. It's sunny and chilly, okay for walking, not so much for sitting outside and reading. Or for moving the ficus tree out, and freeing up space in the living room. Not yet.


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