Thursday, May 28, 2020

Rescued from the mower

This bearded iris grew totally lopsided, and today my neighbor thought it was a matter of time before it was mown. He'd lost one that way. So he cut it and brought it to me.

It's elegant now that it's not lying in the grass.


  1. Pretty - add in a couple of large leaves and you'll have an Ikebana arrangement.

  2. A kind neighbour to rescue a flower and now you have the pleasure of enjoying it. I miss having flowers in the grocery store for me to admire - had promised myself that I would buy some the first chance I got and there hasn't been any. I suspect food it more important in the scheme of things and rightly so.

    1. I haven't been shopping in so long I've lost track. I hope I can get back to buying flowers before too long.


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