Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Weather proofing

While the house cleaners were at work this morning, I spent time in the local library, checked out the latest Osman

and a puzzle, and spent a peaceful morning

Because this is what's up outside 

I'm skipping this afternoon's new knitting group, roads already getting iffy, heavy rain on saturated ground.  So I'm  home in a clean house, with soup, toasted pita with cheddar, busy reading, knitting, knotting. 

Also debt proofing -- the check for my cremation and cardboard box cleared, yay. I'm going to be a solvent corpse. Well, there's worse ambitions.

Also Textiles and Tea. This week it was woven wire jewelry, involving Japanese braiding (kumihimo), by Giovanna Imperia

who wrote this book
and is a teacher at a number of locations, see this link to find out more

despite requests, the presenters didn't give dimensions for any of the pieces, but since it's jewelry, I think we can assume small enough to wear decoratively. The last image, the wire lace, is my favorite.

Her skills are wonderful, and she knows how to employ the nature of wire. I've made wire knitted jewelry,  it's very interesting, so malleable, and it stays put while you work on it.

If you're unfamiliar with kumihimo braiding, it's worth doing a search to see how it's done. It's intricate, 3D work, and, to this struggling student of kumihimo, it's as tricky as it looks! Giovanna has great mastery of this form. 

Happy day, everyone, please check in with us as you can, if you're in the path of a current storm. We know power can go out, taking your WiFi with it, so we won't panic too soon.

Meanwhile, long time since we had a puzzle, so this might take your mind off the weather. 

Remember not to post answers, just funny clues. This is where I usually come a cropper, forgetting about funny clues and responding solemnly to what are supposed to be jokes! I've been caught a few times by sneaky blogistas.

Photo AC

Stay safe, everyone!


  1. Boud, as I type this comment, it has started snowing here in NH and so glad that we are both staying safely indoors. Our forecast is calling for snow then turning to rain on Wednesday, personally I would be happy if it stayed as a snow event. We did get quite a dumping of nearly 15 inches over the weekend and it was lovely to watch, especially as we had no need or desire to go anywhere. Your plan to enjoy a good read, enjoy soup and toasted pita and knit are all wonderful plans.

    1. We've got deafening rain, wind has just begun to get up, but my son messaged to say he was home from work. So all's well!

  2. Glad to echo the homebodies with the rain (here) until around 3 pm. So emergency notices came blaring out of our cell phones to not go out because of flooding, unless in case of emergency. A bit overkill I'd say. But I was duly diligent! Tonight will go below freezing and there may be snow on the mountain tops. Sun due tomorrow!

    1. We get a lot of "turn around, don't drown" warnings, too.

  3. We get the storm tomorrow. Hope it isn’t too bad!

  4. Yes, this weather is a bit worrying! Wind is roaring as I type, with rain over deep snow, and upcoming freeze in the forecast. ugh. maybe I'll have a clean house soon, too? (always looking for that silver lining ;) Take care, Liz.

  5. The jewellery looks lovely.
    So many creative people making so many different things. It’s wonderful
    Hope you don’t lose power and you stay nice and toasty warm.
    For now our rain has stopped. Hopefully all the water levels drop and the floods all go away.

    1. The weather is really warm,in the 50s f, no chance of ice. Winds are getting up, and the lights are flickering. I've located flashlight and phone has a light. Charging things now.

  6. Glad you're home safe in a spick and span house with book and puzzle, and that HS made it home was well.

    Winter storm warnings here too, just in time for second day of jury duty tomorrow. I intend to take the bus. We have a mediocre bus service in Boise - a mile walk to the nearest bus stop, and if you miss the bus it's an hour wait for the next one - but it's helpful when the roads are bad.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I wonder if jury duty might be postponed if the weather's bad? Bringing hundreds of people out for jury choices seems hazardous.

    2. I called early this morning to check, and it was on, despite a new 5" of snow (on 2" from the last storm). I was very happy to be on the bus. Most schools were closed today. Main roads were fine by the afternoon.

    3. I suppose there's a lot of moving parts in the courts, probably better to go ahead, rather than all the complications of rescheduling everyone.

  7. We are getting similar weather, just a little cooler.

    1. Well, Canada, further north, further inland, yes, colder.

  8. Stay warm and dry, a good day to be home. That art form is intriguing and I read the first two Osman books, great fun.

    1. This osman has some hilarious scenes, and some sad ones. I like his writing so much. Just right for yesterday.

  9. Your weather made the news over here. Stay safe!

  10. Glad you were safe, warm, well fed, had a good book. That jewelry is fascinating.

    1. As good as it gets, yesterday, all the ingredients were there.

  11. You certainly get really winters there. The lightest sprinkling of snow here (South of England) closes everything down. That woven wire jewelry is enviable. Such skill and so hard to get started on. What are you 'knotting'?

    1. As a Yorkshire woman, used to massive snowstorms you just got through, it used to amuse us that people actually ever closed for weather! My mother's scornful "Cockneys!",
      (anyone south of the Wash) summed it up!

      I'm knotting the fringes of the woven panels while deciding on their destination --scarf, shawl, skirt panels.

  12. Oh PS have you seen any crafts like this: https://www.stringpage.com/ Not the most high tech of websites but she preserves some really interesting nail binding, braiding and knotting techniques.

    1. Thanks, I'll check it out. My favorite ancient fiber researcher and maker is Sally Pointer, who still has a Twitter account (!) and is on YouTube.

  13. Was unfamiliar with kumihomo. Exquisite. Hope your area came through with little storm damage. A wild afternoon and night.

  14. That's a book I'm really looking forward to reading! Sounds sart to give it a skip with the weather. Keep safe out there!

    1. Just as well, roads closed with downed wires here and there.

  15. I also saw New Jersey on the news. You are well prepared with plenty of soup. Stay safe and warm.

    1. We made headlines? We survived, no power loss in my neighborhood.

  16. I've never cared for wire jewelry or wire wrapping little sculptures though I've never seen anything like these examples.

    1. Her work is light years ahead of a lot of wire and kumihimo work


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