Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Tied up ends and Freecycle

The last day of the year was all about loose ends, from taking out the garbage to doing the laundry to changing the bed to setting my mind at rest. This was all in honor of the new year coming in.

The mind at rest part was about finally getting in touch with the funeral home to find out why my payment check hadn't cleared. I'd been putting it off because I just couldn't go through with another encounter with them right now, kind as they are. It was so difficult the time I met with them that my moral courage was all used up. 

Anyway I did it and found we'd both messed up -- I'd made out the check to them instead of the trust that administers the funds, and they had omitted to get in touch about it. Anyway they're sending it back, with more explicit instructions this time, and we'll get it right. This was a good end to the year. If my WiFi hadn't gone out early New Year's Eve, to return mid morning next day, I'd have posted this earlier. All caught up now.

Then  yesterday Gary wanted me to free cycle this

So after many three way messages -- it's at his house, he's in and out alllll the time -- I think it's leaving today. I gave him and the taker each other's info with instructions to sort it between them!

And I was called in to help him look at carpet sample boards for his proposed stair carpet

The samples are always a bit small to extrapolate over two flights of stairs, but we ended up with a choice. Right hand board, left column, third from bottom. He'd already run them by his daughter and another neighbor, so unless he suddenly has another idea, not unlikely, he's set. For now. NADM* around him.

*never a dull moment

And here's the current Kindling, in addition to the Provincial Lady,

It's really good, thank you for mentioning it, Beatrice. The kind of book you put off other things, to keep reading it.

This afternoon is the first meeting of a new knitting group at the more local library, the one with the gallery. Easier for me in winter weather, of which we haven't had much yet. It's not going to replace my regular one, just seeing if it's a good fit. I'll report back! 

I may have two groups going, always nice to meet new people. Then handsome son is visiting, when I get home, so this morning I'm going to bake a little something involving cheese and walnuts. NADM here, either, come to think about it.

Happy day everyone, do new things if you want to. Not if you don't. Freedom!!



  1. I've got to do some paperwork nonsense today re: the excise tax on my (former) Highlander, because I got stuck on a form at the end of December and did not want to go to the Tax Collector in town for help because the two people who work in that office have previously responded to questions with a "look at each other over Quinn's head as if she's thick as a plank and only we are clever enough to see it" sort of advanced eyeroll. The sort of thing I vaguely remember from junior high school. It's rude and unconscionable, but it still manages to hurt my feelings.

    1. The bureaucracy and its arrogance. I have been known to remind people like this that, as a taxpayer, I'm paying their salaries!

  2. I'd have had to just go eenie meenie minie moe on the carpet samples, such subtle differences between most.

    I need to start devoting more time to reading. takes forever for me to get through a book these days.

    1. I wrote andand published a reply and I think it's in spam! Saying I had to try to extend my reading attention span after the anxiety of the pandemic did a job on it. It's doing better now.

  3. I will put this book only list. You do have a lot of activity in your life! I would enjoy doing new things, I just don't know what it would be. Enjoy the day!

    1. Maybe one new thing would be to decide that!

  4. When I looked at those rug samples it occurred to me that they are all designed to hide dirt. Smart!
    Ugh. I'm so sorry you had to reengage with the funeral home people. I hope you've got it all sorted out now and can relax into good things like books and knitting groups.

    1. With the stair traffic in that house, not showing dirt is vital.
      I think, once the check is replaced, I ought to be set. I'll feel better once the check clears.

  5. It must feel good to get those loose ends tied up! The stair carpet seems like it will be nice and practical, from what I can see of the sample.

    1. We'll see. He may very well change his mind completely yet, knowing his history!

  6. I love your final advice: “Not if you don’t.”

  7. Happy New Year to you and your family. I am trying out a new craft group later in the month at our local library. Like you just testing the waters!!

  8. I hope you enjoy the different knitting group!

  9. Thou and Gary seem to be good helpers for each other.

  10. It’s lovely when you find a group that fits. Hopefully this one will and you’ll have a second outing.

  11. Another chance to socialize is a good thing!

    1. New people in my life is good. Especially young ones.

  12. Reading your post I began to miss our crochet group, which stopped during the pandemic. I know only one woman who wants to start up again and will talk with her and see if we can get it going again. I don't care if it's small. Thanks for reminding me, I'm so forgetful these days.

    1. I hope she's interested. It's so good to have a likeminded person around you.

  13. You are starting off the New Year with a clean slate good for you!

  14. Happy new year, Boud, just a bit late as i read the previous post but failed to comment 😟and also a thank you for your posts through 2023. A thanks especially for becoming a blog friend to Jon in TN as I am happy that yourself and many other bloggers have also been posting uplifting messages during his hospitalization and rehab and now that he's home.

    1. He seems disgusted with blogger just now after accidentally deleting a post. I hope it's temporary.

  15. I think it will be fun to have two knitting groups.

  16. I need to find some groups to join. I have been here six months so time to put the feelers out.
    What was the little something with cheese and walnuts? Two of my favourite ingredients.

    1. They were like muffins except I baked them as one flat piece then cut it into rectangles with a pizza wheel. Grated cheddar.

  17. Belated Hogmanay, Happy New Year and White Rabbits (Hoppy New Year?)! You're off to a good start (and I'm off to a tardy one - but am enjoying it!).

    Chris from Boise

  18. Sorry to hear about the trouble with the check. There are always details it seems. We recently updated our wills and set up a trust fund so I can see where it could get confusing with things like that. I hope it is all finalized soon so you can put all of it behind you! May this first week of the new year treat you well!

    1. Yes, I hope to get it organized so I can stop thinking about it. You're wise to make your arrangements, too. What's your purpose in setting up a trust fund? Maybe you'll blog about that?

  19. NADM here either as arose to the call of nature at 3. only to discover havoc in the bathroom. Box changed, breakfast served, returning to bed after my own breakfast at 430 AM. I hope you meet someone interesting in the new group and good for you getting things in order.

    1. There's nothing like a tiny kitten to cause an uproar! She's appointed herself CEO chez e.

  20. Choosing carpet has to be one of the most stressful decisions when it comes to home ownership...paint colours too.
    Hope the new knitting group is a 'fit'. As far as I know there's no such thing at our local library although I heard that one of the small libraries (too far away) has one that's just started. Perhaps that might inspire ours to set one up as well.

    1. Maybe you could suggest it? If you remind them about the other, they might check and do likewise.

    2. I doubt I'll suggest it because then they'll be after me to run it!


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