Saturday, January 6, 2024

Twelfth night, end of Christmas

 Twelfth night 

Christmas ends today so I get to put away my tiny collection in one small box, modest decorations.

Yesterday's other, regular, knitting group featured crochet, cross stitch, knitting and, from this participant, fringe knotting. 

Here's our youngest member, self taught, who just finished a giant crocheted scarf artwork of many colors and has embarked on this crochet work now

He obliged with an action shot!

Chat ranged over health insurance, deafness, retirement, the American revolution, Empire Loyalists, genealogy, DNA findings, creating stitch designs from drawings, cake, and ice cream. 

Today I'm making apricot cranberry jam, vegetable stock, and planning on interesting recipes using the capers on order, bigger ones than my usual nonpareil size.

Happy day, everyone, and if you're in the path of upcoming storms, keep warm, dry and safe.


  1. So glad to hear a male is interested in stitch-works. That snuck in there very subtly! I have one friend who celebrates the 12 days of Christmas, and need to take my wreath of my door, as well as lights in the windows. Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you. It's going to be stormy, snowy, windy, rainy.

  2. A storm coming your way. We are finally projected to get some snow, but then it will rain in a few days time.

    1. Where I live we're often at the meeting point of coastal and inland weather, so we never know.

  3. We put Christmas away this week. Sigh! The living room looks empty for days!

    1. That's what I look forward to, empty, clear surfaces!

  4. Beautiful work and apparently the In color this season.

  5. I love capers in recipes. That green, salty bite pleases me.
    Knitting group obviously went well!

    1. I haven't had capers for ages, not locally available nowadays. I love them in all kinds of savory food. The knitting group always goes well!

  6. I had to look up fringe knotting and then duh. working on the fringe of your woven pieces.

    1. Yes, I probably could have explained that better.

  7. We had light snow overnight with some more coming in this afternoon. I also enjoy capers. I need to check out what my local library has for groups. It would give me something to do.

  8. Lots of great topics there and pretty knitting,and it sounds like you have yummy plans in the klivhen as well.

    1. It's a wonderful group, even when it's small. Always plans in the kitchen!

  9. Encouraged by your wonderful experiences in the knitting group there, I am building courage to join the group here. At the thrift store I picked up a 6 oz skein of green alpaca. Now I want the pumpking and sage colors for a hat and neck scarf. Thank you

    1. I hope you do join, and find it's a good fit for you. I envy you the alpaca find

    2. The alpaca is from Joann Fabric. Retail online is $8.99. Thrift store was six bills.

  10. You do have such interesting conversations!

  11. You stay safe and warm, too, Liz! I've got one more round of extra chores, of the hatch-battening variety, then it's come-what-may time.

    1. Good, you're set. I doubt if we'll get much accumulation, and a neighbor already stopped in to see if I needed anything before he went out. All's good.

  12. It’s lovely to see a man crocheting. There are lots starting these days and more of it I say. The mental health benefits are well know. And mens mental health is in crisis these days. Well done to him
    Yes the bare trees will come down today and the wreath on the door and that’s it for Christmas
    Until November that is lol

    1. Randi is a great guy, very poised, a lot of fun to be around. He's a talented artist.

  13. I wish I could down size my Christmas but I am such a sucker for anything christmas I have quite a collection.
    I want to start taking knitting classes as soon as I have some time

    1. Go you! You'll probably be knitting Christmas bears..

  14. Your new knitting group sounds fun and full of lively conversation! I am working on taking down my Christmas this weekend. We've had light snow on and off the past few days but we have a big storm coming Monday and Tuesday. We'll stay cozy and warm here with our two cats!
    Enjoy that apricot cranberry jam. It sounds yummy!

    1. The Friday group is the old one, Tuesday is the new one, and I hope ut develops similarly. I never combined cranberries and apricots before so I hope it works.

  15. Stay safe and warm and dry. I am driving to Melbourne and storms are forecast which means flooding which means I may have to stick to the highway which is a pain as I love my back country roads.

    1. Drive safely. Is it raining all over the planet?

    2. I think so! It's even raining (well, snow turning to rain, so pretty for a bit at least) in southwest Idaho, which the flat desert part.

      Chris from Boise

  16. It's great to see a man joining the group - good on him! If truth be known I think knitting was first 'invented' by men so perhaps crochet was too. We had a man join our quilt guild a few years ago but he only came to a few meetings. I think he was overwhelmed by being the only man in a group of over 60 women.

    1. Randi is completely unbothered by being in the minority, very poised. We occasionally had a man in the embroiderers guild, referred to quite innocently by one sheltered old lady as our "male member", which totally cracked me up.

    2. haha - 'male member' cracked me up too!

  17. I love the idea of your chat discussion topics! So diverse, which is great!

    1. We don't have discussion topics. This is just where our convo wandered naturally. I expect it's the result of an interestingly mixed group of people.


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