Friday, January 19, 2024

I'm an action figure! And other exciting things

How I got to feeling better Part One

Dave Croucher, a marvelous member of Spoutible, a platform of which I'm an original member and participant, designed and run by Christopher Bouzy as a safe, interesting online harbor for minorities and women,  has started creating these figurine images for members, and yesterday he made mine. He entitled it Fearless!

 For a much better explanation of why this improved my day significantly, go here

Cut and paste or Google, this is a screenshot not a live link. Bloggers are familiar with it, but in case you aren't..

Then Part Two

Gary came over, spent a while chipping ice to open the hood

And finally, his own battery booster not working, he used mine and my car fired up, causing me to exhale. I've lived so many years alone in an area with no public transportation, that the car is a lifeline. 

It's hard to understand the real anxiety of being old, tired and alone -- many days I don't see my neighbors at all -- and having your car fail you, unless you've lived it.  And I was unable to get the hood up, cold weather making my  hands clumsy, or I could have started it myself using my booster kit. 

It's years since I had feeling in my fingertips, old fingers, so I can't tell from feel where the hood latch is, which you have to do in order to raise it.  That was a big part of yesterday's down mood.  

So that was great, instant upward trajectory.

Then Part Three, the Misfits box arrived, reminding me how lucky I am to be in their delivery area, and to be able to afford excellent food

This week was a small order, the eggs not available, but not a tragedy, and supper came from pita stuffed with spinach and tuna mashed with cannellini beans.

I'm going to get back into bread and pita baking after this supply is done, now that I've managed to find whole wheat flour. I'll use a combo of that, chickpea flour and oats. 

Then, once again art saved me, with Part Four, making!  a new idea! 

If you've been reading in here a while you'll have read about my handmade underwear repair (it made AC comment "you never know what you'll find in here!") and underwear making, after I couldn't find what I needed online, to replace the current tatters. I'm in need again, so I looked around for knit fabric, found I didn't have any and then..

Thought wait, I can knit my own knit fabric! So I hauled out the deconstructed underwear that I use as a pattern and figured I can knit by matching the shapes, why not. No need to count stitches, just look at the shape to know when to increase.  

Here's the notes, left hand page, the yarn and needles, with the model pattern pieces. And here's the start of a great new idea.

I'll have to use bits and scraps of whatever yarn I have, not much just now,  just to try this out. If it's doable, I'll order some cotton yarn and I'll be set. Wheeeee!!

Happy day, everyone, I hope your mid winter Northern hemisphere blues are lifted soon.

The puzzle answer, which the high flyers around here got, was



  1. Glad your spirits have lifted again! That action figure is awesome -- I'd love to read more about it but the link you provided doesn't work.

    1. No, it's not meant to. This tablet doesn't do insertions. Cut and paste. Or Google. It's worth the extra step.

  2. I edited to explain. Sorry, I thought it was clear that it was a screenshot, that's why I left in the blogger reference. Not clear!

  3. You do so well at keeping on, but I am sure that it gets difficult and lonely at times. You have us, but it's not the same.

    1. Yes, you get it. And you're very important to me, thanks for your presence.

  4. I agree with AC. The alone time must be sad sometimes! The knickers will be interesting to do, I’m sure!

  5. I wonder if you have any idea how many times a day I think of you and I am sure that's true for many readers. I love the AI generated image of you- it is perfect. I so admire your courage and your strength, your resourcefulness (knitting your own panties!) and your consistently positive words, even when I am sure you are not perhaps feeling so positive. Like your AI image, you lead the way with light and I am grateful for that.

    1. Lovely comment, thank you! I do enjoy a lot of things, as well as struggling sometimes.

  6. You are an inspiration. I love your creativity.

    1. Thank you! I'm very glad you've started taking part in here.

  7. Forgot to say I loved the action figure!

  8. That action figure is fabulous! I do understand the down times as I have my own. Hugs to you.

    1. you don't inflict the down times on your readers, but I've often thought there must be some.

  9. You are fearless! That is a perfect figure of you and your undaunted spirit. I can't think of another person who would decide to knit their underwear!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I don't know if you need to know many such people!

  10. wonderful image of you! And I just wish you had some silk thread to add to the lingerie. Hope it works!

    1. Now that's a terrific idea, Barbara. When I make the real thing, maybe I can incorporate exactly that. I have silk roving to spin, also sari silk fabric to harvest. Thank you!

  11. This is so, so cool! I love your action figure and it's well named! So glad Gary came by. Looks like you are set, even if it's not terribly social, you're not totally alone out there!

  12. Love the figurine. You are fearless. But all warriors get down sometime. It’s just normal. I’m glad your feeling better. Knitting your own cotton underwear. What a super idea! I can’t wait to see how you’re turn out

    1. It's a cool new thing to try anyway! We'll see.

  13. Good Warrior Woman!
    Happy Open Hood!
    Underwear, now I've seen everything on a blog.

  14. Great action figure. Has a more than one special power - several in fact.

  15. Love the action figure! And I'm so glad Gary could come over and help out with the car. I'm sure that was an unnerving (and frustrating!) situation.

    1. Yes, great relief when it sprang into life.

  16. What a great figurine! You may have struggles with your fingers but it doesn't stop you using them to create amazing things.

  17. The person that created that action figure has you pretty much down to a 'T' - well done! Too bad you couldn't get the real thing created so you could enjoy it.
    I'm certainly going to be interested in the knitted 'gotchies' and how they will feel when you're wearing them.
    Very glad that Gary was able to get your car unearthed from the ice and get it started.

  18. I'm happy to have just the image, don't need to dust it! I'll report back on the underwear experiment. When you use cotton yarn, what brand do you like?

    1. I only use cotton yarn for making dish/wash cloths so don't know if what I use could be classed as being 'soft' enough for your purposes. I often buy Sugar and Cream by Lily.


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