Saturday, January 20, 2024

Snow, chocolate walnut cake and feta

 Measurable snow yesterday, about four inches.

Kids off to find a place to ski

At home, I started the car after digging a path -- just pushing snow ahead of me, mainly. I really enjoy a bit of digging and getting the car started, because I feel capable. Gary came out and dug more for me in case I needed to go anywhere. The roads are icy enough for police to beg people to stay off them unless it's vital.

He also asked me if I have cheese grater, and I offered him  choice, box or straight, whereupon he brought over a block of feta cheese, invited me to grate some for myself, and he would take the grater and cheese home to use as needed. 

Then he left, I realized he'd gone without the grater, now among the dishes, got the other and met him at the door coming back for the grater. Two absent minds thinking alike.

Later I baked a chocolate walnut cake, using whole wheat and chickpea flour

and took a couple of slices to him.

Knitting continues and here's the current state of the test underwear. You'll see that the cast on row doesn't match. That's because it's a provisional cast on. When I come to knit the front, I'll start here, remove this yarn, then picking up the live stitches means no seams in the crotch area. 

This is the good part of designing your own, you can go seamless using  provo cast on. This is knitted as a single piece, with just short side seams.  I'll line the crotch with linen or a scrap of. cotton knit fabric. So far so good.

Happy day, everyone from your fearless blogger, feeling much better since I dug snow. It's not everyone's happy place, I think!


  1. We all need a Gary in our lives. Cake looks delicious.

    1. He's not only helpful, he's endlessly entertaining, always with a project.

  2. Thank you and Gary!
    I'm reminded I have a big block of feta in the fridge.
    Soup with feta on top is winter treat.

    1. I had my feta share over pasta puttanesca, really good.

  3. The chocolate walnut cake looks moist and delicious!

    1. It's really good. Safflower oil this time for a change. I really like how chickpea flour works, too.

  4. I would agree. Digging snow is not a happy experience for many! Excellent progress on the knickers!

    1. I could see readers rolling their eyes at pushing snow for fun!

  5. We long ago started hiring contractors to plow our driveway. Even when I was still capable, which wasn't that long ago, Sue worried about my back and also my heart, which has always been ok btw. As far as I know anyway.

    1. I only had to make a little path, and we have contractors who plow, also shovel sidewalks etc. But we still have to clear the car and next to it where the plow doesn't go. I just wasn't waiting for the sidewalk crew.

  6. You have more snow than us. I don't shovel snow but I do plow with a skid loader.I don't mind doing that, unless is really windy and cold! Your undies will be warm!

    1. This is upside down weather when we have more snow than you!

  7. we had our last frigid night for the foreseeable future last night.

    and now I've seen everything...knitting your own panties.

    1. I wish our frigid nights were over. Not yet. And yes, when there's a maker around you never know what's going to happen.

  8. Your cake reminded me of the many recountings of all the delicious chocolate brownies with walnuts that Barbra Streisand has enjoyed in her life. Her book had many references to them!
    I completely understand how digging snow and starting your car could make you feel satisfied. Good for you!

    1. You get it about feeling satisfied, not weak.

  9. You are making the most of cold winter! That cake looks delicious. I just love feta!

    1. I'm looking forward to less frigid days. And nights.

  10. Your knitting is so impressive. Winter looks beautiful from my place on the Mediterranean Sea after a sunny 61-degree day. That chocolate cake pushes all my button. CHOCOLATE, whole wheat and chickpeas, and walnuts. I'm jealous.

    1. Maybe mention the cake to SG. Yeah, I fancy a 60+ degree day about now.

  11. Action figure in action! That Fearless figure yesterday fits you well. May the knickers fit as well :-)

    Chris from Boise

    PS Fellow shoveler/pusher here. It's good to feel capable. Chocolate walnut cake is a worthy reward.

    1. Yes, this morning I went out to find where Gary had moved my car ahead of the plow, de iced it, got it running and home again, just across the street. I felt very good!

  12. You have been busy. I didn’t now you could grate feta. I always have had it in brine and it crumbles fairly easily. The underwear is very colourful and I’m betting it will be warmer than the store bought ones.
    The snow does look pretty. Picture card pretty

    1. He really could have crumbled it, but I didn't mention it, because he knows little about cooking, and this lunch was much better than his usual processed meals, so I went along. Didn't want to discourage him.

      I sometimes buy feta crumbled, cheaper, and still tastes as good.

  13. Gary is sure a great neighbor! Your cake looks very moist and delicious. I have never baked with chick pea flour, does it measure and cook the same as wheat flour? I'm always looking for ways to increase the protein in my diet and that could be helpful.

    1. I use chickpea flour in combination with others. The cake needed 1.5 cups flour, so I did one cup whole wheat, half cup chickpea. You can use it exactly like wheat, as far as I can tell up to now. I got mine from Bob's Red Mill, nice quality.

  14. Being warned to stay off the roads is something not everybody is willing to listen to, sadly. We're still dealing with cold but not a whole lot of snow, or at least what comes ends up getting rained on and melted away. -15C here right now.

    1. Most of my neighbors have been coming and going at will, but I'm more cautious.

  15. That looks like a good day for a chocolate cake.


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