Sunday, January 7, 2024

Jam today!

 Yesterday, having seen off the last of the Freecycling for now, I turned to being a pioneer lady, and made a gallon of laundry soap.  

Speaking of free cycling, Gary stopped in to tell me his puppy had attacked and destroyed the dracaena, so the issue of free cycling it was concluded!  I suspect she was jealous of all the attention we were paying the plant instead of her. I've had dogs do that when they were upset with my attention going to projects that weren't them.

 Anyway the laundry soap, blog edited to add in picture of ingredients for Inger

Usual recipe of grated castile soap, borax, washing soda, and this time I added a few drops of lemon essential oil for a scent. This is not hard to make, works just as well as expensive detergents, and suits my frugal soul. It needs to stand for 24 hours before you use it. I didn't mind postponing laundry in a good cause.

The good thing about making laundry soap is that it cleans the grater and the pans you use. You just scrub and rinse them and they're all shining.

So that's why I made the jam second, using the clean pots.

This is dried apricots and cranberries, which is why it looks dark. I soaked the apricots overnight, which gave me a glass of juice yesterday with breakfast, drained off them. Waste nothing!

Then I made the jam, not too sweet. The texture is heavier than with fresh fruit, and the flavor good enough for jam or a sauce with meat or fish. Breakfast today was jam on toasted wholewheat.

I'm planning on a sheet roast today, butternut squash (cooked), onions, hot sausage, carrots, a golden meal, more or less. The sausage is a new thing to me, plant based, the only hot, spicy one available. The turkey and chicken sausage are sweet, not my choice. We'll see.

Our big storm started as snow, was rain when it touched down, and is now a bit of flooding. The high winds didn't happen, but this kind of rain tends to bring down trees as the earth softens, so around here, trees along every road, you drive on high  alert.

Happy day everyone, watch as you go.


  1. With my type 1 diabetes I can't have jam, but reading this stirred good memories from when I could. What is washing soda?

    1. I edited to add a picture of the ingredients

  2. I love thinking of you, busy in your kitchen with one project and then another.
    How much did you have to pay Gary's puppy to get rid of that plant for you?

    1. It was a quiet two biscuit job! I was so amused thinking about what order to work in, with the soap and jam sequence.

  3. That's interesting - making own washing liquid as we would call it. When we use washing powder to clean tea pots and cups, "the Persil treatment", they then have to be soaked for ages to get rid of the scent.

    1. If you make your own, you can be sure it's unscented. I just fancied lemon this time.

  4. I wonder if I could use Dr. Bronner's castile soap (liquid). Do you liquify yours? I missed that part. Can you give the recipe?

    1. It's on YouTube, search on making your own washing soap, and you need to do your own calculations depending on the quantity you're making. The pioneer ladies often make it five gallons at a time. I grate solid soap, but you do simmer it to make sure all the dry ingredients dissolve. Liquid soap would work, I expect.

  5. This is a fresh scrubbed and delicious post.

  6. I think the NADM moniker could apply to you as well! You always seem to have at least one interesting project underway.

    1. I like variety, yes, so grateful I can physically do different projects.

  7. Homemade laundry soap! That's a new one for me. I applaud your frugality.

    1. It's important to know what you're putting in your clothes, because they keep "improving" detergents and I like to know what's in mine. Same with food, I don't like eating out, nor processed foods, same reason, mystery ingredients!

  8. Apricot jam is a favourite of my 91 year old MIL this time of year. She always makes jam too.

  9. I avoid jams and jellies, spikes my blood sugar and diabetes runs in my family, but I do like apricot jam. you are definitely a pioneer woman. if it all goes to shit can I come live with you?

  10. Cranberry and apricot jam sounds wonderful! And homemade laundry soap.....I admire your creative energy.
    There were snow flurries last night here in rural TN but it later turned into icy rain.

    1. I thought it was an odd sequence, soap to jam, but they stayed separate. We have rain turning to more rain.

  11. NADM at you home! The pup did you a favor, I think some treats are in order. I've never made jam or jelly, probably because I don't eat it. Mark does, but he can buy it. I've also not made laundry detergent.

    1. They're strictly optional. You'll notice one of my jars used to have an expensive shop jam in it. I faint away at the cost, probably all that labor and shipping and marketing..

  12. Good luck with the storm, weather seems so extreme anymore. I'm always amazed at the things you make/do. Not sure I would be confidant enough to try some of the things you do. You go!

    1. It's okay to try them! No thing police waiting to get you.

  13. Don’t make jam any more. We just don’t eat it now the kids are gone.
    But I used to make lots every year.
    Home made is absolutely the best.

    1. I make a small batch once in a long while. Just when I fancy a bit on toast. Or on yogurt. Or on a spoon.

  14. Isn't it nice to know all the ingredients in your washing soap. These day even if you read the label it is difficult to know what is really in it! We have a big snow moving in tomorrow and Tuesday. I'm ready to settle in with my cats and a book!

    1. Always good to have snowday plans. Nowadays they don't involve throwing yourself about in the snow. At least I'm guessing not.

  15. I'm glad your snow forecast turned to rain. Hope your trees stay safe.

    1. I am too. It would have been huge drifts. I have pictures of this date two years ago, buried under snow.

  16. When a big storm comes I get on a cooking jag! I haven't done jam in years, though. Looks wonderful! We're due for snow tonight but not, I think, a lot. Rick is itchy for snow and skiing. I'd be content with a gentle rain!

    1. I'm not a snow fan though I did sportingly try cross country when younger. Still not a fan!

  17. I shall have to freecycle some books - not mine - not yet - but Nuora's who left them here in the garage when she moved to Italy. Hope you stay dry and warm.

    1. Those books have been there a while, then. Maybe between free cycle and library donation, you can move them along.

  18. I hope the dog is alright - that's one plant I won't have because of it's toxicity to cats and dogs.

    1. Knowing Billy, she just knocked it over and dragged it about! She's fine, as far as I know.


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