Thursday, January 11, 2024

Sad day. Knitting needed. Also food.

This was Thursday's sad news. Sweet man, used to be next door neighbors till a few years ago, still occasionally in touch. He was a few weeks younger than Handsome Son. He died on my Dad's birthday.

And shortly after I got this stunning news , Misfits food arrived, reminding me that life is a continuum, and, however sad, I have to continue eating well.

A little low in energy just now. I did get a walk in the sunshine, but had to push a bit to get home.

Happy day, everyone. Sad things and glad things, all are good, all have a purpose. Though I'm baffled when a 56 year old man comes home from work feeling fine, then suddenly collapses and dies. Leaving a wife and a daughter preparing for the daughter's Fall wedding, now all so changed. 

I did my bit, notifying people who might not hear unless I did so. And I've been in touch with the family.

Photo AC


  1. Prayers for the loss of a good man, his family, friends and colleagues
    It is sad when young people leave us.
    I hope you are doing good things for yourself to adjust to the grief.

  2. Sorry for the loss of your former neighbor and in such a dramatic way. I am always amazwd that people are so nice where you live.

  3. What a shock! But you're right. All we can do a keep on keeping on.

  4. Sad news indeed about the loss of your friend and former neighbour. Condolences.

  5. Oh Boud - what a sad shock for you. Hugs to you and so much sympathy to the family. Yes, life is a continuum, but it always seems to me that after a death, the world should pause for at least a second or two before rolling merrily along.

    Chris from Boise

  6. I’m so sorry for your loss. Yes life is strange when young people die.
    I’m sure there must be a reason for it all. I guess I’ll never know.
    Be gentle with yourself.

  7. That is terribly young to die. Maybe not quite the prime of his life, but not so old. What a shock for his family.

  8. Dramatic for his family and friends. Having been treated to both the slow decline and the sudden loss experience in people I held dear, I have to say that for me the sudden loss, although brutal, was kinder than watching miserable cancer induced wasting and pain for the sufferer. I hope you are holding up.

  9. Heartbreaking. Thinking of all those who loved him.

  10. Condolences sent virtually to you at the loss of a vibrant neighbor. Yes, the cycle of life is something we all are to remember. My neighbor across the way went to an Assisted Living a couple of months ago, and she died two days ago. She was 90 something though. I remember her coming outside to get her newspaper each morning in her dressing gown and slippers, hair in some rollers, and wearing her constant neck brace following a break many years before. She outlived many of her family care givers. We all have these reminders of our mortality.

  11. Oh, that's so sad, especially with an approaching wedding. I'm sorry for his family and condolences to you as well. I'm glad you got out for a walk and some vitamin D, at least.

  12. Wow. You just never know, do you? I just spoke with a very dear friend of mine who told me that his new year's resolution was to "love, unabashedly because life's too short." We are reminded of that frequently and yet, we don't act like we know it.
    I wish peace for his family. This has got to be the hardest thing.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss, for the family, and for the sudden way it happened. And that he was so young.

  14. I'm sorry for all on the sudden loss of this man. The circumstances makes it so difficult to grasp.

  15. I'm so sorry about your friend - far too young. I guess it's a good reminder that we need to remember to live each day as though it could be our last.

  16. Sorry for the loss of such a young man! So sudden. The family must be devastated. It was good of you to reach out to them.

  17. Sorry for your loss, so sudden. The poor family. Right you are, things must continue, the food delivery was a perfectly timed reminder, and you made the most of it.

  18. I'm so sorry about your friend/neighbor and for his family especially. It really makes us stop and think, doesn't it?

  19. I think it is always a shock when someone younger than us dies. I remember my mother telling me that the 50s were the most dangerous age for men.

  20. I am sorry for the loss, and of someone younger than your son. Keep knitting.

  21. So sorry, sad news for you. Yes life goes on:)


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