Sunday, January 7, 2024

Better luck etc

Current reading,  title pinched from the book group of a library I used to go,  yes, yet another, but the group, though interesting people, was too big for discussions.  You practically had to take a number to talk. So I dropped out but stayed on the mailing list, and this is the current selection (bookgroupspeak)

It's great, about Reno, the divorce and remarriage city in Nevada,  on a dude ranch where women stayed to play cowgirl and establish six weeks' residency for their quickie divorces.  Here's one reason I like it

I never knew the origin of "suicide blonde".
 The book is  funny and has quite a bit of wisdom including the kinds of aphorism I wish I'd thought of.

Here's how the roast dinner worked out

Before, butternut squash, carrots, onions, diced Serrano peppers, plant based hot sausage, olive oil, spiced with caraway seeds, cumin and garam masala, half an hour at 400°f

After, ready to make three meals, and very good, too. The sausage worked out really well.  Dessert was yogurt with blueberries and a spoonful of apricot/cranberry jam.

The weather being: heavy rain, alternating with very heavy rain, the day was about doing laundry, the new batch of soap working fine, cooking, reading, and loafing. Also finding little bits for you.

Several blogistas are working or retired librarians, so this is for you

And for those of us who love Chaucer and the Mamas and the Papas

Some of the licks in that very song can be found in medieval music. They really knew their music.

Happy day everyone, stay dry. Unless you really love walking in the rain, Tinder style.. for those who really did get snow, here's a cosy thought


  1. Oh my, Chaucer Doth Tweet's version -- hilarious!

    1. It's one of the few accounts I look at on Twitter.

  2. How wild is this weather.
    It’s currently raining here and the animals are lining up two by two

  3. Knowing several librarians, I'll share that one around. Chaucer - wonderful! A new book for my list! And oh your dinner looks scrumptious.

    I made apricot-blackberry jam last year. Glad your apricot-cranberry turned out better. :-) Mine was an unfortunate flavor combination and a quite dowdy color. We've almost finished the last jar, and looking forward to some much better blueberry jam. Thank you (again) for encouraging small-batch jam making. Even though the a-b jam was not a smashing success, I patted myself on the back for experimenting.

    Stay dry and don't float away! We actually still have 2" of snow on the ground after yesterday's storm. Happy for every flake and drop.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I like that you persevered through the jam anyway! I love the description as dowdy! Yes, after that dry spell, I should think any moisture is welcome. If you try the book let us know how you like it.

  4. We enjoyed yesterday's snow, and it still looks good out there this morning at 5:30.

    1. New fallen snow is lovely, before it packs down.

  5. Very funny tweet. Stay warm and dry.

  6. I like sausage, blueberries, youghurt - but I wont eat sausages and youghurt together. According to my faith , we don't mix meat and dairy. We must make a pause of at least 2-3 hours between them. I'm not religious, but there are traditions that I like, and this is one of them.

    1. I think you missed the description of the sausage -- plant based. No meat. So you'd have been fine eating along with me.

  7. Roasted veg are a staple here. Love them!

    1. Yes, I thought you'd approve this one. Roasting makes vegetables more appealing to people who aren't so keen.

  8. The book sounds really good and the roasted veggies yummy!

    1. Enough for three meals. I think some people would serve them on top of rice. I should think about that, too.

  9. Dinner looks good as does the book.

    1. The book is a change from more serious reading.

  10. Chaucer was so clever. As were the Mamas and the Papas. Thanks for sharing the excerpt. Makes me want to read the book. That’s me at the end of that library line.

    1. I've been in various lines hoping to formulate what I want by the time I get to the counter, I identify!

  11. And I'm sure that some people only remember the color of the book they're seeking.
    There was a rather shocking, for the time, movie called "Desert Hearts" about two women awaiting divorces in Reno who fall in love. It was released in 1986. In googling the movie, I discovered that it was based on a lesbian novel called "Desert of the Heart". I saw the movie and was pretty shocked to discover that it wasn't very shocking in all actuality! I bet the book you're reading is good. I'm going to keep an eye out for it.
    Why are pictures of woodland creatures all cozied up in human-like situations so endearing?
    And of course now I have that song stuck in my head but at least it's not a bad song to have stuck in one's head.

    1. I agree, there are worse ear worms. And I'm wondering about the outcome of this desert adventure, too.

  12. rain predicted for all day here and has been but the sun just broke through a thin spot in the overcast.

    1. I don't think of Texas as a rainy place. But you've had floods, so there's that.

  13. That song made me dream of leaving N.J. for CA, which I eventually did. Yes, I know, Princeton isn't really N. J. but it's still humid in the summertime, and, as I learned, my body can't handle humid weather. And I was young then...

    1. I came from a humid, if colder, land, so NJ humidity isn't such a drag. I was amazed when I visited Toronto in July, relatives sighing about the humidity! It's dry here, my skin feels tight! what humidity?

    2. Also I have to live in a green landscape, or I don't think it's worth it..

  14. I thought I needed green too, but once seeing the sun rise of the Mojave desert made me fall in love with this dry land.

    1. Certain landscapes do this to people. For me, having experienced cities, forests, ocean, mountain, desert, at different times, in several countries, my tree-surrounded-near-the-ocean current home does it for me. I agree you need to be in an environment you can love.

  15. That tweet! I'll look for that book. Very good looking dinner you made. We are having fluffy snow at the moment.

    1. Isn't the Chaucer account cool? I had part two of the dinner just now, dessert: yogurt, blueberries and honey.

  16. Love the librarian cartoon! I can definitely identify!

  17. I'm sure librarians face many of those people on a daily basis. Hunkering down in preparation for what they're predicting to be a major winter storm heading our way tomorrow. Will wait and see how accurate the weatherman is!

    1. Storm due here tomorrow, too. Maybe it's the same one. I'm hoping it holds off till late afternoon, to let me get things done.

  18. The roasted tray of veggies, etal, is lovely.

  19. That roast is an inspiration - I feel the need to buy some really good sausages coming on. Pumpkin I have to excess.

    1. These sausages are plant based, a first for me, but they worked like meat sausages, and were very well spiced. I don't usually care for veg food pretending to be meat, but here it worked, because the texture was good.


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