Saturday, January 13, 2024

Product: rest

Thank you for all the helpful comments about Rajesh yesterday. I can't get used to Raj being gone. 

Yesterday I wasn't up to much, just managed to knot fringes on the weaving, noticing the work's better than I'd thought when I wove it. I skipped the knitting group, figuring nobody would be there, the Friday afternoon of a long weekend -- Martin Luther King Day Monday. 

Another storm forecast, which doesn't seem to have amounted to more than heavy rain this time

And condiments arrived. So long since I had either capers or olives, to lift up flavors. Now I can make a puttanesca sauce. And various other interesting foods.

I'm wondering if I can revive my Six Word Saturday practice, from years ago: 

Sad times this week. Go on.

Would you make six-word comments, just to try it? Any subject or response.

Happy day, everyone. The puzzle answer is


I mean, that word is the answer!


  1. Hard to get going coffee helps

  2. yum, yum. I love puttanesca sauce!

  3. Lovely looking woven panels. I'm sure you'll figure something creative to make with them! We had the rain storm yesterday, and no big winds till afterward. Cold again today!

  4. Our overnight storm was quite something. It is also snowing now.

  5. I don’t use capers much. Hmmm…

  6. Highlands and heathers, weaving most fine.

  7. Is the weaving going to be a scarf. Because it looks lovely and definitely wearable as one.
    I use olives in oh so many things. I always have a big jar in the fridge
    On Facebook they’re all about the big storm. Hopefully it misses you.
    Stay inside and stay warm.

    1. Chances are scarf or shawl. I still have a lot of fringes to finish

  8. I wonder what's in puttanesca sauce.

  9. Some very clever six word comments

  10. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

  11. I always hated tying dratted fringes.

  12. Sadness means you understand being happy.

  13. Busy hands. Sad heart. Big hugs.

    Chris from Boise

  14. Hot buttered Vegemite toast fixes everything.

  15. Well, I can see from this that you and I enjoy some of the same flavors. You're right -- with those ingredients, anything is flavor-boosted. Some days are just like that -- I do love your beautiful scarf.

  16. Olives and capers, happiness writ large.


Thanks so much for commenting. I really appreciate your taking the time, and taking part. Please read the comments and see if your question is already answered!