Friday, September 22, 2023

Wild Thursday, friends and freecycling

Yesterday was all about parcels on the step, misfits arriving, and general post activity on the front step.

Almost all the books, several parcels, were picked up yesterday from the step by happy free cyclers, in the middle of which the misfits box arrived, barely room to fit in, and Gary came hurtling over to collect his ice packs, he always likes to have them from the coolpack,  and carry the box indoors for me. Hence no outdoor picture.

But here's the bigger than usual haul

I'm trying cacao for cocoa, and I think it's the same thing. I often make cocoa in the evening, sometimes make a chocolate cake. And then there's the beauty of some of the food, like this bowl where I put the blueberries with the golden berries.

Golden berries are new to me, introduced to them by Misfits, and I like them. They're related to tomatillos, and are sweet-to-savory in taste. They're also packed with vitamin C, which those of us allergic to orange juice are glad to know.

The influx of beans is related to a plan for firemen's chili from the newly arrived WCK cookbook. This weekend being forecast as stormy, is a good time to make and eat it.

And in the middle of all this, my tea delivery happened

Complete with complimentary teabags, which are usually decaffeinated and go to Handsome Son.

Then my artist contractor friend came over for first look at the artworks I'm free cycling

He sometimes gets frames from me, but this time didn't need anything. We had a lovely convo instead about furniture he got from me in the past and spruced up as only he can, Globe Wernicke bachelor bookcases, which had run their course with me. 

He also showed me pictures of the completed mancala boards, now delivered to  the uni for presentation to big donors, beautiful woods. And we discussed my current applique wallhanging, his input really good.  

He noticed my surface for organizing current stitching is the library table he handmade long ago and passed on in its turn, very happy about seeing it in use. And we paid our respects, as every time he visits, to the beautiful mahogany mantelpiece he designed and installed. 

We also talked about my new furniture moving plans, which he likes, agreeing that these houses, he lives in one, are quite rigid in design, not many choices of arrangements because of the traffic patterns. 

Busy social day, all in all, getting things accomplished before the weekend's stormy forecast. I'm wondering whether to bring in the ficus today, too, before it gets waterlogged. It's about the time of year I usually do, nights getting cooler. We'll see..

After he departed, I listed the artworks on free cycle and had a taker in a few minutes, so they'll be gone this morning. 

Happy day everyone, enjoy doing whatever's in your plans, or whatever comes at you unexpectedly, as things tend to do.

And here's a puzzle


  1. Goldenberries! That's new to me, too. They look like little tomatoes. (Is that what a "tomatillo" is?)

    1. I think tomatillos are different from tomatoes. They grow in a papery skin.

  2. I've never heard of golden berries, but they look delicious. You know what has more vitamin C than oranges? Bell peppers, apparently. And yay! I think I solved the puzzle already -- we'll see in due course whether I'm right.

    1. The hitch is that heating destroys vitamin C, so unless you eat bell peppers raw, they're not as powerful in meals.

  3. I can see why you got an immediate taker! I haven't heard of golden berries until now, they sound like I might like them. You have a long history with your artist contractor neighbor. Those relationships, like with Gary, too, mean a lot.

    1. Yes, those relationships are part neighbor, part friendship, part allyship against the HOA! They're durable and a big reason I don't scurry off to a retirement community, aside from the cost. I can't replicate what I have here.

  4. I looked up cocoa and cocao, and I am still confused. I think the two are commonly interchangeable although there might be some technical differences.

    1. The package claims they're interchangeable, so I'm going with that.

  5. I have never seen golden berries. That’s a new one for me, Boud!

    1. It's one of the benefits of misfits, that they source items I've never heard of, so I try them.

  6. I think you are absolutely in the right place. You have good, kind neighbors and you help them and they help you.
    That WAS a big Misfits delivery!

    1. It included two free cannellini beans, bonus! There's a lot of mutual aid in this neighborhood.

  7. We call those 'physallis'. I love them. Enjoy.

    1. Thank you for the addition to my vocabulary. I must look that up.

  8. Your doing a great job of winnowing
    And that is a huge box of groceries
    I’ve never made chilly. Not a huge meal down under. It does sound like something I’d like. I’ll have to try it before the weather gets hot

    1. I made it, and I'm pleased with the results!

  9. My daughter uses cacao exclusively, and she is one fine cook. Owned a restaurant for years.

  10. I know golden berry as groundcherry (which is Physalis, as Tigger's Mum knows it), which is a close relative of tomatillo (which does mean 'little tomato', though it's not). They're delicious!

    Your community is a real community. What good friends and neighbors you are and have.

    Chris from Boise

    1. The names are so confusing, what with little tomato not being and ground cherries not being, either! But I do like them. My local neighbors are very much like an unrelated family, grumbling about each other, taking care of each other!

  11. I have an ice bag in the freezer. I think it came with something but I don't know what. I am hanging on to it in the belief it will come in useful one day.

  12. And what a great haul of goodies.

  13. I've never seen (or obviously tried) golden berries but they do look tasty. We made a trip to the local farmers market this morning and came home with a quarter bushel of honeycrisp apples, some beautiful red peppers and some zucchini (destined to be made into zuc relish next week) and some corn. I ordered a bar of apple cider soap from the apple grower...apparently they have it in their store but don't bring it with them to the market. Looks like you received a grand assortment in your box this time.


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