Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Art all over, all the time, kid food, feathers

 Yesterday was a feast of art. It was cleaning day when I go out and leave them to work in peace, so I went to the local library to see the current gallery exhibit, and knit.

I just picked a few, but there's more if the qr code works for you. It's a very lively and thoughtful show. The reflections are tricky, hence the lopsided views.

Then a walk in the cool sunshine, slower these days, but such views and finds.

I suspect this is a red tail hawk feather, found below where they often fly lazy circles, and the downy section is so warm and soft in your hand. The feather police will definitely get me for this!

Then, Textiles and Tea featured a rug hooker, whose work is exquisite. She also does punch needle, and raises traditional work to an an art form, often in huge sizes, as you see. The portrait is of a 96 year old woman crafter. She took a photograph, then drew out the image on newspaper on her kitchen floor, no studio then. 

And after all that highfalutin talk about pepper, which I used in a tomato sauce over pasta, and very good, too, full of warm flavor, not just heat, I later had a snack for my inner kid

Egg in top hat. You put the hat on when you serve it. On the egg, that is.

Happy day everyone, do something silly, just because!



  1. You had a fantastic day surround by what you love. Then you "capped" it off with a delicious snack!

  2. I love the rug hookers' work! So varied and colorful. That portrait of the woman is amazing.

    1. She really lifted it to a different level! The portrait is huge, too.

  3. Replies
    1. She has such clean, interesting color combos.

  4. All the textiles art today is great. I particularly like the very first one. Beautiful feather you found.

  5. The artwork by Terrance Cummings demands that you really look in order to see. I like that.
    I think that you do indeed have a hawk feather there.
    Amazing rug hooking work. It never ceases to amaze me how artists can take a basic craft and turn it into art. You are good at that, too.
    And the snack? Mr. Moon calls it "egg-in-a-hole" and it is one of the few things he can make!

    1. It's one of those recipes kids like to make, as well as eat! Thank you for the nice words about my work, lovely to be seen alongside this textile artist. She often uses several techniques in one piece, too.

  6. The library's art/poetry exhibit looks fab. And very cool work from the rug hooker!

  7. So, you're supposed to leave the hat on when you're eating it, or do they take it off again?

  8. Love the art and you did great photos. Hard when glass is involved!

    1. I'm glad you liked it. I don't like distorting art for pictures but this gallery is all windows and overhead lights and reflections.

  9. That top hat looks like a fun meal.
    Oh you are in for it now with those feathers. lol
    Your day sounds wonderful.

  10. So enjoyed these . Got a surprise when I noticed the drone in with the crows.
    So much of great art gets shown in Libraries.

    1. If you check out her work you'll see gun-control ideas, environmental protection ideas, a lot of political activism in there.

  11. What a great way to spend the day.
    Our galleries are an hour away with the train so I can’t just pop i and see them.
    It’s definitely an all day adventure. Which I think I will endeavour to start doing
    Once the grandma duties are not so regular. Once Ana is off to school the pressure will be off.

    1. It's worth it if you can manage it. Maybe your art group would do an occasional road trip?

  12. That rug maker is some artist. Thanks.

  13. That rug hook work is spectacular. You continue to open my eyes to the possibilities in so many media.

    I wonder if that feather is from the chest of a broad-winged hawk. Take a look at the photos here: They're migrating over you this month, sometimes in huge (hundreds of birds!) "kettles" riding the thermal updrafts.

    Chris from Boise

    1. That's a good suggestion about the hawk. We do have several resident kinds, and I hadn't thought of migration, which yes, is around now. Thanks for the suggestion.

  14. Yep, the federal feather police will get you for that. LOL I so enjoyed this post. Have a wonderful day today.

    1. That's the plan. The day, not the FFP, federal feather police.

  15. I want an egg in a top hat now! That art is very lovely. Some people are so talented.


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