Saturday, September 30, 2023

Move your furniture and play with your food

Yesterday I made it to the knitting group, when the torrential rains moved to the shore and the New York City subway, and no new pictures, because no new projects. But talk ranged all over, from why scarves aren't a good beginner project to how people get weird names to hiking in Pennsylvania and t-shirt yarn, and more.

Then I made yogurt, but you've seen that before, and while the milk was cooling, enough to add the yogurt starter, I moved furniture, as you do.

Here's the new vista:

Coming in the front door

And seen from the sofa. You'll see the wall hanging in progress, WIP, and you might spot a couple of changes I've made in it.

The ink and wash painting over the table is one of the Four Sisters artworks. I've done this theme in various artworks. And yes,  there are four figures there.  As to which is which sister, all of them are any of us at different times.  It's fungible.

A while back Rose suggested a series of pictures of the art on my walls, and I haven't forgotten, it's just that there's a lot of subject matter, and it gets elbowed out, but it will happen.

I should explain that I only put my work on the walls because it's a way to store it, not because I think my house is a gallery. There's not enough room under the bed.

And here's a lovely temptation from Tatters this morning

It's trapunto gone wild, just lovely.

Playful work here, very appealing to those of us who play with our food.

Want a new puzzle while you're basking in your roundabout success?

Happy day, everyone, there's fun to be had in even the most unpromising situations. 


  1. A letter that is also a Roman Numeral. Greetings from autuMnal Switzerland a

  2. When you move furniture it feels fresh and clean also I do not move furniture much at all.

    1. I'm at home a lot, so I needed a change of scene.

  3. Thanks for the easy HH puzzle -- got it right away! I like your little display cabinet for the teapots and cups.

    1. I got it at the dumpster, favorite shopping location. The pink and white is a Shelley set in Stocks pattern. And the others are thriftie and Asian grocery store finds. One extreme to the other, considering the value of the Shelley.

  4. I do like the openers in your first photo. Is the difference in the wall hanging staggering? I feel you should display your art because you like it and your wall can certainly be a gallery.

    1. Art that's completed loses all interest to the maker, usually. It's all about what's in progress. I did change the staggering a little, and switched a couple of pieces. Well spotted.

  5. Love the "lemons dressed as fish"! I wondered how you fared with all the rain. Crazy!

    1. We were very lucky, dodged the worst of the rain. The lemon fish really tempted me to play with the various foodstuffs around here. Apples, almonds, blueberries..

  6. I actually got one of the puzzles! I never solve them.

  7. I really like the flow of the new arrangement. Very nice.

  8. Ha ha! As I was looking at the photos, I was thinking "I did ask her to show us her art walls! She is sort of doing that!" Then, I discover that you did not forget! I so admire John Gray's art wall, and I think your walls are guaranteed to be a treasure trove for me to admire and be astonished. It's fun, by the way, to see how the conception of the art leads to the development. The wallhanging is beautiful. And it started out as a random stack of fabric squares! Do you notice that I never say anything in 10 words when I can use 50? Anyway. You are a treasure. Thank you.

    1. I love your comments, Rose! Now that I'm doing fiber art, with stopping and starting points, it's possible to show the progression. I was asked many times to do this with monotypes and painting, but they're so swift, because the materials dry fast, that I could only show the setup and the results. The making stayed a mystery!

  9. Those lemons are brilliant! I find myself rather keen to make them with the twins tomorrow, but lemons are one of the few things they won't gobble down LOL!

    1. Maybe oranges, then they can eat their fish?

  10. I love your house as I see it in the photos. It doesn't matter why you have the art up, it's just good to have it there.

    1. Thank you. I just cringe a little when I think people assume I'm parading my work. It's good, or it wouldn't be up, but it's a functional choice.

  11. I think you should have your art on the walls and show it off.
    Mine is in the craft room so people have the choice to either see it or not
    Moving furniture is something I cannot do It results in pain. Especially pain in my ears as my hubby and son tell me off and make me promise to wait until they can come over and do it for me.
    Although I do break my promises occasionally lol

    1. You mean like I officially don't climb up to fix things?? Or don't get caught doing it!

  12. I got it, I got it, I got it. Probably for the second time ever. Without the clue from Switzerland, which generally go in one eye and out the other.

  13. I almost never move furniture while my food is cooking ... or cooling, or whatever. 😊

  14. Very pleasant living conditions. I almost got the puzzle instantly but couldn't make sense of the first word until I stepped back at looked at it again.

    1. I like the way haggard makes you look again at words.

  15. I laughed out loud when I read the bit about there not being enough room under the bed to store your art. Our bed it up on blocks in order to allow our un-read book collection to reside there. We have a his & hers side - his holds book totally unread by either of us (yet!) and my side holds the ones he's read but I haven't. He spends far more time reading than I do so he gets through books much faster.
    Nice to have a peek into your home. All that winnowing must make you feel so much lighter. Really wish furniture re-arrangement could be a thing in our apartment but alas pretty much everything has to stay in the same spot due to availbility of necessary things like electrical plugs. I change around my 'art' in my sewing room so at least there's some element of change.

    1. Modern design is rigid. One place for the sofa, the TV, etc. This is as much change as I can make.


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