Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Labor day, snake plant surprise and other musings

Yesterday was a very good day. Handsome Son spent the afternoon, did great justice to the Bad Food, 

and aside from being great company, did Good Things.

He rescued me from the Chinese language I'd got into while setting up the DVD player, took out the old TV to be picked up, using the old transport wheelchair I still have around, just in case. And while unwrapping the chair from the bag I stored it in, found an ADA approved cane I'd forgotten we had. 

This is good because lately my knee gives way slightly now and then and I may start carrying it with me out walking, just in case. So this saves me from shopping for one. And I can wave it angrily at my friends if I want. Don't annoy Grandma.. this idea amused HS quite a bit. 

The chair is now back in the closet with the walker and portable ramp. Anyone who needs them can borrow them. 

And Gary and little granddaughter came over to get my opinion later, on whether the container with the peanut plant was ready to harvest. 

It looked like it to me, as we unearthed a couple of nuts looking exactly like Mr Peanut only not dressed up. I reminded Gary to check on what's needed, because I think you may have to process them to eat. Whereupon he decided to delegate that to his daughter!

And here's a surprise discovery

I didn't realize snake plants flower, since I've only seen them with foliage. Watch this space for baby pictures. I'd been talking about donating this one to the library since I have another coming along nicely. She must have heard me.  I better do something to keep my place here, I know, flowers!

Knitting is moving along and my neck buzzing this morning reminds me not so fast, missy.

On the subject of self care, I noticed my plugin nightlights, the dusk to dawn type, were dimming a lot, not very useful. 

So, muttering about these LEDs, don't last long, five minutes since I installed them, I ordered new ones and my account tells me I last did this in 2017. Oh.  Time flies, I guess.

Happy day everyone, keep cool. I postponed a routine doctor appointment for today because it's going to be hotter than I can handle, driving to the next town, all that. I  had joked to HS that it would probably be December before they could fit me in, and, sure enough, mid December it is. 

Tomorrow there's lab work earlier in the day and much closer, much less exposure to heat. Different doctor, but  the results will be shared with my primary, all the docs in one group. So I guess that's okay. 

We have excessive heat warnings this week, in the  feels like 100+°f  range, hence my caution. I was out very early watering my flowers. 

Enjoy your day, not so hot in the southern hemisphere today I hear.


  1. Lots of excitement going on at your place!

  2. I had no idea snake plants would flower in a pot! Never seen such a thing!

    What a lovely - not to mention productive - Labor Day with HS. You were wise to keep the mobility aids after HP died, as (if we're lucky) we are all likely to need them as we age. Adding a waving cane to your already formidable voice would give any miscreant pause :-)

    Summer is (ugh) giving you one last furnace-blast. May this latest heat wave be short-lived, so you can enjoy weeks more of patio time this autumn.

    Chris from Boise

  3. The heat is supposed to abate around the weekend, followed by many thunderstorms. Yes, I only got rid of the specialty items from HP, directly to people in immediate need. The Hoyer lift and slings, the hospital bed and self-inflating and pressure-changing mattress, incontinence supplies. They were in use very fast for other patients. Some of them are not covered by any insurance, so they were gladly received. A recliner I'd used to nap near his hospital bed, went to another home with an invalid and a caregiver needing naps near the patient, also went.

    But other items, shower bench, walker, ramp, grab bars around the house, all stayed.

  4. HS seems pretty handy to have around every now and then.

    1. He also rescued my big spatula which had slid behind the stove, just a little bit sticking out to grasp. His hand strength much better than my feeble grip. Saved us from having to pull out the stove to get it.

  5. It was on the low side of seventy this morning when I got up (on the porch, anyway) and it felt like heaven. That lasted for approximately eight minutes.
    I think I have seen snake plants bloom before. That does look familiar. I am sure it is rare though.
    I ALMOST BOUGHT HOTDOGS TODAY! Instead, I bought a pack of crunchy taco shells. We shall have bad food tacos tonight. I am so looking forward to that!

    1. You missed out on the hotdogs?? A couple of people who've seen snake plants are telling me they haven't seen them in bloom, so I feel pretty lucky.

  6. I don’t go anywhere without my cane now.
    I’ve gotten over the embarrassment. Especially after having a fall in Edinburgh and knowing how embarrassing that was! Not to mention how sore.
    I love it when plants flower when your not expecting them too. It means they’re very happy

  7. I wish my MIL would use a cane. She refuses to use one. I used one when I had a fall off my bike two years ago. I don’t understand the problem.

    1. Some people resist assistive devices because I think they're reluctant to admit they're ageing. It's the I can manage syndrome, don't need grab bars etc. Until they have a fall that shows them why!

  8. When I read you title, I wondered if the snake plant flowering might be the surprise. Tricky little devils, aren't they.
    So happy you had a pleasant afternoon with HS, and especially he rescued you from Chinese set up instructions! And his share of Bad Food.

    1. It was a good day. And pictures of the flowering snake plant are on their way to the owner of the parent plant I got the original leaf from.


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