Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Appointment, now you see it, now you don't, but there's soup

 Yesterday I thought I had covid and rsv vax set up. One today, one next week. Then last evening I got two texts from CVS marked urgent and cancelling them, vaccine not available. Oh. Please reschedule. Which I attempted to do, their site crashing three times after I'd reentered multiple screens of info. 

So I switched to another pharmacy chain, and after an evening of hitting buttons, have rsv scheduled this morning, covid for Friday. Hoping when I get there, they'll have the vaccine. If so, I'll see how I do, then decide whether I'm up for another shot on Friday.  

We did this dance last time I had the covid booster, the website setting up appointments, the pharmacies not receiving vaccine. So we'll see.

Good thing I made soup before all this. Butternut squash, carrot, with long pepper, kosher salt, nutmeg, chili powder and turmeric. Italian basil for fancy.

A large pot, as you see. Between this and the chili and  yogurt, I'm ready for anything.

Oh, an update on the Irish gymnastics situation. 

This is the gist, I'm guessing done under duress from lawyers, and finally an admission of wrongdoing. Now some of us are asking if the offending official was fired, no news on that. So all it took was 18 months, millions of protests from many countries, threats of lawsuits, and worldwide shame,  to acknowledge a bad act.

Happy day,  everyone, keep on keeping on, hope springs eternal, and other such cliches. Off to knit a glove.

Photo AC


  1. Frustrating about the appointments but I suppose they are at the mercy of the suppliers. All the same, they shouldn't be setting up appointments until they have the vaccine in hand.
    As I read the 'apology' from the gymnastics board my feeling was they aren't sorry it happened and are more sorry that they got caught. The right thing to do would be to fire that judge in a very public manner.

    1. I think the pharmacy webmasters are a law unto themselves, and nobody communicates. I'm wondering if the gymnastics people will ever do the right thing. I also wonder if the official is well connected.

  2. I made soup over the weekend and there is just a small amount left. I have a Dr's appointment next week hopefully I can get the RSV from there we shall see.

    1. If there's not much soup left, it's the universe telling you to make more.

  3. Beautiful colour on that soup! And yes, someone's head needs to roll at that Irish Gymnastics organization.

    1. I'd like to see people ousted. I love this color, somehow it improves everything!

  4. what a bullshit apology.

    I know the pharmacy in the next town over has it because a friend got hers. I'll have to check and see if the one here has it yet.

    1. The apology reads like "big boys did it and ran away!"

      I think supplies are hit or miss. My son got covid booster this morning in another town, different pharmacy chain.

  5. For sure, there are a few that need to find new jobs. Very sad situation that should never have happened made worse by ignorance.

    1. Yes, their misguided attempts to muffle it definitely made everything worse.

  6. Eighteen months? It took eighteen months for them to just get to this point? That's ridiculous. Well, at least there has been an apology and admitting of wrong doing.
    I hope you get your shots and that neither one of them put you down for too long.

    1. I'm working on the shots. Which is more than we can say for the attention to business of the Irish gymnastics folks.

  7. I honestly don’t understand the need for committees and policy. Just don’t be a racist idiot. It’s simple. If you don’t want to mix with other races. Go and hide in your house and keep away from normal people.
    The soup looks very yummy. I hope you get your vaccinations and that you sail through without any complications

    1. It certainly seems simple. But a lot of people don't act on it.

  8. Oh it is getting to that time again…for squash soup. We have to get our vaccines next month too.

    1. It's such an appetizing color. I got one vac today, yay, one down.

  9. I hope your vaccination goes without incident.
    That butternut pumpkin soup looks devine.

    1. I think the most stressful part is getting the appointment! The actual needle is nothing. Up to now the rsv doesn't seem to be bothering me much.

  10. Congrats! One vax down, one Liz up (so far...).

    The video of the little gymnast being 'overlooked' was so sad. NPR just reported "The organization said the official made a mistake and ensured the child received a medal before leaving the field of play" and "The official 'expressed deep regret for what they described as an honest error' and requested an opportunity to apologize in person to the gymnast and her family but was denied, according to Gymnastics Ireland, and sent a written apology instead", so there's a little more context. Still, what a hurtful situation for the gymnast, and very poorly handled by Irish Gymnastics.

    Chris from Boise, where soup-making weather is nigh upon us

    1. Chris, I've seen the video. It was no error. She ended up giving the medal after the event, no cameras, audience, but had clearly stopped in front of the child then moved on. Her claim of honest error doesn't wash. I hear it's not the first time racist actions have happened in this org. A decent person would have gone back immediately, realizing she still had one medal. She didn't.
      Their apologyy acknowledged that it was not an error.

      I'm pleased the rsv is done with.

  11. I really have to find out more about this RSV. I hear about it but don't know about it.

    1. Check it out and why the vax is a good idea. In the US it's recommended for everyone over 60.

  12. I read that the girl herself hasn't received a personal apology. Have you tried adding coconut milk to butternut soup?

    1. I think you're right about the little gymnast. Alas I have personal experience of Irish teachers and their treatment of children they didn't accept, hence my impassioned response here.
      I use whole milk in several soups, including this one, to make it "cream of". I like coconut milk in chicken curry, though.

  13. There was a piece on NPR this morning about the Covid vaccine supply. I do have my RSV vax and when I'm off the drugs for my MRSA will get the others (Covid and flu). By then I hope they have it everywhere!

    1. The supply hasn't lived up to the marketing. Again! But I hope you can get your share.


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