Sunday, September 3, 2023

Knitting, stitching, butterflies and erasure

 The Autumn Joy sedum are attracting gangs of bees and wasps and butterflies, including this lovely little blue one, tiny, greyish  underwings, blue upper, little red dots. Maybe a small azure, and I'm open to suggestions.

And the gloves are done, photographed in daylight they're a different color, but artificial light and daylight both give wildly inaccurate versions. They're a warm red/pink/cream mix in reality. 

And here's the latest wall hanging block, step by reverse step, in progress.. I'm really enjoying doing this one, using sashiko stitches to sculpt the fabric into shapes

this is where we are

here's the thread choice

testing out the shapes

from this group of colors. Yellow opposes purple, pink complements, so it's an interesting little visual experience.

On Twitter today, a wrong has been righted. Anne Louise Avery, a wonderful writer, and single parent,  has been through a terrible year of serious health issues. Last week she found her critically acclaimed book,  Reynard the Fox, an important income source, had now suddenly been attributed to another name, on Amazon and Google. 

They ignored her attempts to get it changed back until she appealed on social media. A storm of protest has now forced the change back to her own name.  Whether this was malice, she has undergone serious online harassment, or incompetence, we don't know, but will be alert just in case.

I feel for this since a similar, but more comic version happened to me some years ago. A regional newspaper did a big feature on my current exhibit, pictures, interview, bio, the works, double page spread. And throughout referred to me by some name completely different from mine!

I wasn't aware of it until I got calls telling me someone was pretending to be me, and claiming my life and work as theirs! I checked and wrote to the editor requesting a correction. A bit late, it was everywhere already.

But here's the comic part: everyone knew it was really me! They assumed it was a blunder by the reporter, or maybe a clumsy attempt at sabotage. This does happen in art reporting. 

I tend to think that the rushed reporter got her notes mixed and my name probably  appeared in some other poor soul's feature, claiming their work in some other field as mine! 

I don't think it hurt me in the end. But then it wasn't an income stream, so little harm done.

Happy day everyone! Tomorrow Handsome Son is coming to share Bad Food and bringing potato salad. A first Labor day with Handsome Son. Always up to now he's had other plans. Maybe he's seizing the day because you never know! I won't say that to him, a bit upsetting.

Enjoy your weekend, holiday or not. We are back in hot weather -- high 90s this week. Bad Food will be an indoor picnic.


  1. From these photos, the sedum and gloves seem of similar hues.

  2. The sedum, in sunlight, is truer to life.

  3. Bad food is the best. I love that idea.
    Pretty stitch-sculpted heart you have there!

    1. It's a heart shaped morning glory leaf! Lovely shape.

  4. The sedum and the gloves do look alike! I really like this latest piece you're working on. I'm a bit flummoxed about using the wrong author name with the book. I would think that is not legal. Hurrah for people coming to her side. Have a good time with HS and bad food!

    1. I'm sure, if the wrong name is a real person, it's theft of intellectual property.

  5. I'm sure there's a lot more misrepresenting of art and artists going on that what we know. It's not the same scale but back in the day when folk art was a 'thing' I made wooden Raggedy Ann and Andy's to which I added red yarn for hair using a method not normally used. I sold several of them in a yard sale and then was astounded to see them being passed off as someone else's work in a craft show. I picked one up and checked for my inititals on the back but of course the person had painted over and added her own. I very pointedly and rather loudly said that wasn't it amazing that someone else thought to make the hair the same was as I did. I know she heard me. I could have caused a scene but instead I just walked away, leaving her to deal with her conscience (if she had any). It's one of the reasons why I am so careful about copyrights when I'm doing my landscapes.

    1. Doesn't surprise me, sadly. Such weirdness though, theft via craft. I started watermarking my artwork on the blog after I saw it showing up on that hellhole of stolen images known as Pinterest.

  6. You are doing beautiful work on the wall hanging, Boud. I look forward to the finished product.

    1. So do I. But this is such pleasure, working on it one small design at s time.

  7. How nice HS has no other plans save his mother's home. A happy labor day to both of you.

  8. I love the stitching. It’s going to look awesome when it’s finished.
    Enjoy your indoor picnic. Bad food is always so enjoyable

  9. the little butterfly is a hairstreak.

    1. Thank you! I thought either you or Chris would come in with the answer.

  10. I am filled with Autumn Joy! Love this time of year. Love the patches you picked and the heart.


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