Saturday, September 9, 2023

Mood swings, big plans for cool weather

Your exciting update on the mood swings in the sky. Thunderstorms, threatened tornadoes which blessedly didn't happen, high winds 

And note the humidity and dewpoint

Special weather warning almost literally in my back yard

My only casualty was the zinnias flattened into the deck and now staked upright again

It's so much cooler and I'm feeling more cheerful already.

Yesterday's stitching involved the negatives from earlier positive cutouts. Just as stencils give you a positive and a negative, so do the fabric pieces I used, and from which I saved the leftovers.

These will be reverse appliqued and go from there with a third color yet to be decided, shape also to be decided. 

This interesting project checks a lot of boxes, modular, flexible, colorful, manageable, frugal!

Today is full of plans now that it's cooler. At home I'm making granola, yogurt, and roast chicken. Abroad I'm off to pick up more Suits and return the current season.

And what helped get me through housebound hot days are a couple of great podcasts: Lady Audacitea on YouTube, and The Daily Fail which I catch on Google.  They're both  teams of two hilariously funny and astute young women journalists commenting on the follies in the media. They've also been guests on each others' podcasts, this being a small world. 

One, Meredith Constant,  also has her own YouTube and tiktok channels, very funny, very well researched, very accurate, penetrating questions, mostly about the msm's wildly inaccurate takes on Meghan and Harry.  I personally owe Meghan for bringing shakshuka into my life, and Suits, so I'm a fan.

And, if all the weather isn't enough NJ content, here's the place where the Big Bang was first detected

Just sayin. Jersey Strong.

Happy day, everyone, I hope your big bang is less dramatic, also your weather. Unless it's a military necessity


  1. An unimpressive structure for such an impressive breakthrough.

    1. That's NJ. Not fancy, but effective. Like a lot of restaurants that look like roadside shacks and serve five star food.

  2. I just checked our weather prediction for today and it's only supposed to get up to 86! However, the humidity is at 87% so it's still going to be a sweaty day working outside.

  3. This morning humidity here was 99%! Temp in the 70s though.

  4. yesterday was supposed to be the last triple digit day of the year. forecast going forward is is 90s slowly diminishing to low 90s and omg at the end of the current forecast is a high in the 80s. I think I'll just swoon when we get there.

    1. 80s will feel like soup weather after what you've been through.

  5. Jersey strong! Or, as that Trenton bridge says, "Trenton makes, the world takes." (I think that's right?!)

    I like your stitching project and I'm glad you were spared the tornadoes!

    1. Yes, locally known as the Trentonmakes bridge! It had its lettering restored after Gov Christie had left them falling off, by a dem governor. For years it said something like -rent-n -akes -orl- tak-s!

  6. Jersey Strong is probably far more accurate than Minnesota nice! Thankfully the bad stuff missed you. A roasted chicken is just the thing now it's cooler.

    1. I'm in a frenzy of cooking to seize the cool day. We did get lucky with the storms. A couple of trees down.

  7. New Jersey. I don't know if I told you before.
    True story, early 1990s, in a philosophy class, the professor gave us a long narrative about life as we know it step by step all the way out to the edge of the universe, pointing the thought of what's there at the end of the universe.
    From the far back of the room I immediately replied,
    "New Jersey!"

    Best laugh I ever got.

  8. Glad the weather wasn’t bad after all. Here, everyone is on alert about hurricane season. PTSD from Fiona last September isn’t helping!

    1. I know about that fear, from going through Sandy. Scary stuff.

  9. 85 here today, so a bit cooler and hoping to get through the peak of hurricane season without another. Glad to know you are more cheerful.

    1. It's so good to see you in here, e. Yes, I got a rush of energy.

  10. The article about the radio telescope was excellent. I could picture my father being sent here by Goodyear to make a report on it.
    I first learned about/saw reverse/negative applique at an art show. A group of Iraqi women were selling all sorts of small objects crafted with their reverse applique. My sister still has a small coin purse I purchased for her.

    1. It's an old technique, and I wonder if there's an Iraqi tradition?

  11. We have had high winds here, too. At least we don't get tornados.

    1. We don't get huge ones, but they're big enough to scare a person. Like when one whirled between our house and next door tearing out their entire chimney stack, ground to chimney pots, missing us entirely.


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