Monday, September 25, 2023

Rain, furniture, and a mismatch

Rain continues, two inches on Saturday, now not much wind, just endless wetness. The flowers are happy,  the alyssum is back with a whole new flush of flowers after I'd thought she was done, and a few zinnias still, knocked about but blooming. And the chrysanthemums out front I'd taken out have put up a new shoot and much healthier looking flowers. 

Yesterday I finished the Moving of the Furniture, which I did by emptying the big bookcase, damp dusting, then sliding a cloth under the feet so I could push it across the room, then replace the various materials I'd taken out. 

My new winter view. I've moved the artwork over the right hand bookcase, and replaced it with a handmade paper piece that goes there better.

Back at the sock and glove ministry, things went a little pear shaped

As you see, not even slightly related. I'm thinking of knitting a third glove, to use the yarn as the blue reappears, and sending them off as a pair and a spare.  I can't imagine what kind of sock this yarn would work for, because the color change is so slow. I wonder if that's why they donated, says she darkly.

Anyway, today's another day, I may have a taker for the little table, and tomorrow I get the latest covid booster, now on page two of the record card. 

Next week I'm getting the new rsv vaccine, encouraged by my doctor. I checked before going through with it, and she, knowing I can't do flu shots, still says go ahead. 

Despite all the oh get them together urging, which I suspect is mainly handy for the pharmacy, I left a week to allow for my usual reaction to covid shots, then didn't schedule anything vital after the other one, because you never know. And I have supplies of chili! I'm going to make butternut squash carrot soup too. Be prepared!

Happy day, everyone. Did you get the Haggard Hawks puzzle?


Yes, of course you did. Keep dry if rain is an issue, cool if heat is an issue, warm if wintry cold is an issue! 


  1. Nice furniture arrangement! Looks like those spots were built for the bookshelves.
    I was just wondering this morning why we think things should always match. Chairs, dishes, gloves...

    1. I don't think matching is best, but I'm giving these to people with nothing and I don't want them to think they're getting unmatched gloves scrambled together. I'd wear them, but I have choices and I know the backstory. Hence thinking about a third one.

    2. Call them Doby gloves. He liked mismatched socks, why not gloves.

    3. I have to find out who's Doby.

    4. We were getting ready to go somewhere, and my grandson came downstairs dressed in the most amazingly mismatched outfit I'd ever seen in my life. Colors, patterns, you name it, it clashed on ALL levels. I said, "William, you need to run back upstairs and find something that matches," and quick as a wink, his answer came. "Why?"

  2. The new furniture and art arrangement looks very nice. And yay! I got the HH puzzle!

  3. Thanks for the reminder that I need to schedule two or three shots. I also get them separately, though I've not yet had a terrible rxn to any individual vacc. Just intuitively reluctant to throw multiple concoctions at my already challenged system. Soup sounds good, and I just found a recipe for a pumpkin soup to try soon. But probably not today. Today I just wish I had made soup yesterday ;)

    1. I don't want one brand new one along with the covid, because I won't know if there's a severe reaction, which caused it. One thing at a time.

      Soup is always good. I like to have a supply there.

  4. No doubt you'll be set for a cozy winter.


  5. It is better to wait. I remember how sore my shots were the last time, ice city.
    RSV, I didn't see that option on the Kinney Drug website for scheduling shots. I will check again.

    1. The shots might not be available everywhere yet. But yes, check.

  6. I like your furniture arrangement. The space is made for bookcases. We will get our booster next month and the flu shot. I'll need to check on the RSV, hadn't thought about it. Enjoy making your soup!

  7. All the neighbors have bookcases there. But I thought it was such a cliche, surrendering to the developers, that I've resisted till now.

  8. I like the quirky gloves! Your living room looks great after your rearrangement.

    1. I like the gloves but wonder about giving them all the same.
      Thanks for the nice comment on the living room. It just got the Gary seal of approval, too!

  9. Moving furniture is something I just don’t do anymore. Good on you. It looks fab
    I think a pair and a spare is a great idea. Who says gloves or socks have to match.
    Life’s to short for such nonsense.

    1. True but these are for people who might not be up on fashion. I don't want anyone to think they're being fobbed off with a mismatch, so I'll make the third one.

  10. I remember the days when a man's suit came with an extra pair of pants so they could rotate them and slow down the wear and tear to keep up with the jacket. I think gloves and socks should be the same. Well done, Liz. You might be on to something here.

    1. There are pairs of socks with an extra in existence, related but not matching, for fun mainly.

  11. If I were the receiver of those particular gloves, I would not concern myself with matching as long as the gloves did their job. I'm not hinting as I still wear the ones I was given, just sharing a thought. Your place looks very cozy!

    1. Funny you should mention that because I was wondering if yours are wearing out. If so let me know. Yes, these will go to the sock n glove ministry, though!

  12. I totally did not get the puzzle this time. It baffled me. Looking forward to the next stumper.

    Thanks for the tip about moving furniture using a cloth. The new layout looks good. There's something refreshing about a redecorating spree of any size.

    We had a vile respiratory illness last spring which was probably RSV, so I'm definitely going to request a vax, as well as the new Covid booster and the annual flu shot. Having them on separate days sounds like an excellent idea.

    Your bouquet is once again charming. You and Ms. Moon have gotten me in the habit of zinnia (and more) nosegays this summer.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Stay tuned on the vax update! Yes, I wonder if we've had rsv and not known what it was.

  13. Nooks beside modern fireplaces just seem to invite wardrobes or bookcases. We have a very old writing desk in one (bookcase the other). If you have a fireside chair either side it is easy access to you evening reading material i guess. The only reasonable alternative in that space seems to be some enormous vertical sculpture.

    1. Since one alcove is near a large window, I've had the ficus tree there in past years, until it got too big to open the window!

  14. That's a pleasant view to settle down with. Pairs of odd socks sell for lots of money. Just saying.

  15. Seeing your bookshelve alcoves makes me wonder who designed your house. Surely they meant to add build-in shelving to those areas. You've come up with a good solution though.
    That yarn is very odd and I, too, can't imagine how it would have worked for socks, much less gloves.

    1. About the house: I think design is too kind a word! You should see the upstairs from these alcoves, useless shaped closets, with deep narrow shelves..


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