Thursday, September 28, 2023

Fungi, cabbages and kings, the pickers, that is.

 Yesterday's walk was largely about fungi

I thought at first this was a flattened baseball

Top, looking fairly  inconspicuous, then the reveal

the gills underneath. Such wonderful design in nature.

Where those tomato vines were thrown into the trees which I foraged, a brave little volunteer. I must remember to check next year for picking.

On the subject of food, and rising prices, here's why I will always support the farmworkers

Back breaking incessant work, and no benefit from higher prices at the end of the chain. I always thank them with a prayer when I unbox my Misfits, because they feed me.

The wall hanging is in rough draft, pinned onto a backing of unbleached muslin, and is now on the wall, so I can see it over a couple of days, move pieces around and start stitching again. 

I tried several overlay ideas, didn't like any of them, so I think the open areas will be many colors of sashiko stitching instead. That seems to be more harmonious. I'll save the overlay idea for another future piece. I think I've been influenced for the good by that kantha work I showed you recently.

And, in keeping with  my long-standing support of MoveOn, here's the latest sticker, supporting library staff besieged by book bans.  This is on the fridge,  and my Twitter and Spoutible accounts.

Happy day, everyone, read a book, and, to the library folk among our blogistas, go you!


  1. Interesting mushrooms. I had a huge strawberry patch and I remember thinking about what it would be like bending over all day in the heat picking produce day after day. Because my limited time picking those strawberries was miserable work. I caused me to think about those who see to it we have full produce shelves.

    I am going to like the wallhanging. I look forward to what you will do with it. I am a happy user of the library system. You know we have gone into the sewer in this country when librarians are targets.

    1. Yes, my own large garden and the pick it yourself at the farm gave a little idea of what it takes to harvest food. And I could stop when I was hot and tired.
      Thanks for the encouragement on the wall hanging.

  2. Mushrooms are popping up all over here, too. Mushrooms and hurricane lilies.
    Librarians are the keepers of civilization.

    1. It's one of the blessings of modern life, to have public libraries. They're a treasure to protect.

  3. I'm loving the wall hanging! You've reminded me I still need to pick up a book on hold...hope it's still there at the local library.

    1. My library peppers me with pickup reminders, hard to forget.

  4. Banned books has me think even more that aliens or foreign interests are subliminally brain washing folks.
    I like the muslin background. It makes your lovely squares stand out.

    1. The contrast with the background was what made me rethink the overlay. That might be another artwork on its own.

  5. Farmworkers and librarians - two of my groups of heroes, under-valued in all senses of the word.

    It's amazing to see the squares on the muslin background. They really pop. It'll be fun to watch you rearrange them till they suit you.

    Your recent rains have encouraged your local mycelia to fruit. :-)

    Chris from Boise

    1. The wallhanging continues to entertain me and it's given me an idea for another work. I honor people who feed me with ideas and food. The fungi are a wonderful reward for the endless rain.

  6. Nature is magnificent. So many patterns and colours and nothing is exactly the same
    The wall hanging is coming along I’ve loved watching it grow.

    1. The wall hanging is coming along. I may move a piece or two yet before I stitch again.

  7. Yay for farm workers. It is so hard and so essential.
    I like the basic layout you have set up for the blocks.

    1. Anyone who's even done a short stint of stoop labor can understand a bit just how strenuous the life of a picker is, unrelenting work, great skill needed to avoid injury daily.

  8. Mushroom season around here too. Love finding those organisms and wondering how deadly they are! Some look so pretty.

    1. I don't eat any I find even when I'm sure of the identification, just because!

  9. I am 'reading' a book -- in audio format. Rowling's latest -- as Galbraith.

    1. I'm rereading Less than Angels, with my favorite character of all,Catherine Oliphant.

  10. The wall hanging is looking terrific so far!

    1. Thank you. I just retrieved this comment from greedy old spam.

  11. I love the wall hanging and I owe you a recipe with which I am currently tinkering...

  12. Well of course I love that sticker. I don't understand how that farm-worker wage structure is even legal. What about minimum wage? Can the farmers get around that so easily by paying piecemeal rather than hourly? That seems like a flaw in the law. I'd pay more for cabbage to give people a decent living.

    1. I agree, I wish the higher prices benefited the workers, not just the middlemen. There's a history of excluding farmworkers from all kinds of legislation,including minimum wage laws.

  13. It's hard to imagine how poorly the workers are paid for such back-breaking work, all so the middleman can make the big bucks. One of the reasons I like to support the local growers despite the fact that their prices (at least at our local farmers market) are much higher than we pay in the grocery store. Oftentimes it comes down to just what we can afford and if the cabbage (for example) we're considering is less than half the price in the store it becomes a no-brainer.
    And...don't get me started on the book bans. I support the local library and know that I'm probably one of their best customers but I resent being denied the opportunity to read books that someone higher up deems to be bad. I doubt I'd want to read those books anyway, but I'd like the ability to if I wanted to.

    1. I like to buy as I can from my local farm, too, but their prices are high this year. But misfits distributes from organic farms, usually smaller, and I always hope easier on the workers. It's all back breaking though.
      Usually book bans originate with one aggressive member of the public, and libraries are constantly fighting them.


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