Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Let justice roll down..

 It looks as if Garland was doing his job quietly all along critics notwithstanding.

In fact they were carrying out a search warrant. This means a judge not only agreed that incriminating evidence was there right then, but is likely to result in charges. That's the only way to get this kind of warrant.

And note that it could also spike TFGs plans to run for office. And possibly reveal the goods he has on the senators he's been blackmailing  .Many birds, one stone.

Meanwhile, back at the townhouse, massive rainstorm yesterday briefly cooled us off,  but now we're baking again. Sun breaking through wet glass this morning

Later this morning Handsome Son drives us to my final right eye check and the go ahead for Thursday's left eye work. After this week I'll have a good idea how functional my vision will be before maybe getting reading glasses. 

Then maybe he'll have time for a quick bite including birthday cake before he has to go to work.

So things are, over all, okay at the ranch. 

And here's a celebratory artwork to leave you with

Happy day everyone, keep cool! If that applies.


  1. The news out of the US gets more interesting every day!

  2. Glad you are back to baking. Good thoughts on appointment going well.
    The news shouldn't be, but is a surprise on feeling surprised action is being taken. I hadn't heard about blackmail theory.

  3. The weather is baking, not me. Feels like well over 100 today

  4. I love that meme to an inappropriate degree. When I heard the news about the "raid" I felt something that I believe was akin to hope. I barely remember that emotion so I'm not sure.
    If all goes well today, that will be one more step to all of this being over. And that is something to look forward to!

  5. I hope they found enough incriminating evidence to put Trump in jail for the rest of his life.

  6. Word from the FBI is that some of the dox are so sensitive, related to national security and the lives of our foreign operatives, that they can't even be listed in the inventory of seized dox in unclassified language.

  7. The far right crazies are downright apoplectic. They can't do this to our god! Just wait til we get control back, you'll get it then!

    So good news. Finally. Best of all, Wray is a Trump appointee and probably the judge too.

    Hope all goes well in the eye department.

  8. LOL!
    I read baking wrong. Sorry.
    I hope y'all cool down like we are here.

  9. The delight at felt when I saw the FBI had a search warrant was almost uncontainable.

  10. Now we have to get out of our burrow and read some international news - it sounds really interesting. Love the artwork of the day - it creates a nice restful feeling. Mr T & F

  11. Fingers crossed all round. The artwork is lovely and I hope the cake was nice as!

  12. And now Donald AH is using this latest thing in order to fundraise for his campaign - and people are stupid enough to fall for it (and him). I wonder just how many documents he burned or is he just plain arrogant enough to think he's untouchable. Scary stuff.

  13. I hope the FBI find what is needed. Uhmmmmm - rain. What's that? (severe drought conditions here, you know)


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