Monday, August 8, 2022

Birthday , handsome Son! And well done, Dems

I have a card ready and was hoping to deliver it yesterday for him to get when he arrived home from work. But it was too hot to venture out, still in heat wave mode. 

And there's cake

Chocolate with chocolate chips and cherries, chocolate icing, waiting with its tinfoil hat, to celebrate whenever that happens. 

He's very philosophical about his age anyway, but just in case

And, on the subject of a brilliant couple of weeks for Democrats, here's me, putting my own advice into action, after yesterday's brilliant latest legislation on climate and corporate taxes

So  let's do that. Stop to rejoice that,  in the face of the evil which has overcome the other party, we have a president and Congress who can still get good things done.

The best definition of power is the ability to get good things done. And it's important to recognize our own power even when that seems small. Stepping down from political soapbox now, to do a little happy dance.


  1. Yes! Here’s to those positive happenings. Congrats to son, btw.

  2. Man, that cake looks good! It wouldn't last 5 minutes in my fridge! Nom, nom, nom!

  3. Thanks for such a positive way to begin the day. Happy Birthday to your son.

  4. Yummy looking cake and I'm sure Handsome Son will enjoy it when he gets to it. Happy Birth Day wishes to him!
    Kudos to the Democrats for getting some things done. Now it's to be hoped that the next President won't do like the last one and promptly undo all the good. Even larger hope is that Donald AH and his cohorts aren't going to form the next government - I shudder to think!

  5. I keep thinking of what you said about Biden the other day- that he's a "wily old pol."
    You are right and bless him and his wily ways.
    The cake looks delicious.

  6. And the republicans are totally freaking out, tweeting all day long their agreed upon disaster lies. It really is astounding how many are tweeting and how many times a day 'danger Will Robinson'. I mean they are almost hysterical in their denouncement of Biden and democrat policies that the majority of Americans are in favor of.

    The cake sounds delicious and I'm not a big cake fan.

  7. I wish someone would make me that cake!

  8. Yes, we all must go back to proselytizing. It is not a sin.

  9. Your call to action is an inspiration - and a breath of fresh air in this red, red state!

    OMG, that cake looks good. And I totally agree with those words on age. It applies to wrinkles, too.

    Chris from Boise

  10. A very happy birthday to HS, and a very happy Birth Day to you. I have thought for a long time that birth days should be celebrated for the mom, who did all the hard work that day (and many days thereafter).

    Chris from Boise

  11. Chris, yes, w relive his birth every year. Particularly the bit where there was some serious doubt if we'd survive it. But we did! And it's poignant now because he was born at dawn on this day and his dad, Handsome Partner, died at dusk on this day.

  12. Happy Birthday Handsome Son!
    The cake is a winner.


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