Friday, July 1, 2022

Gilbert and Ellice Islands and other unlikely thoughts

 Yesterday this arrived, tiny package,few inches square 

From a place I didn't know, wondered at first if it was a New Zealand post office, since I have friends in NZ, but no.

So I look it up and discover it used to be a colonial "possession" Ellice Islands. And instantly flashed on my little red stamp album inherited as a kid from older brothers, but what I remembered was Gilbert and Ellice Islands, interesting stamps.

Like these, pretty sure I had a sepia one. As a kid I thought the man a pilot and the boat in the lower right hand image a plane!

Turns out Gilbert and Ellice were businessmen and politicians, white westerners of course. 

Then at independence, the islands renamed themselves, Gilbert and Ellice separating, different names, different decisions.

All these flashbacks and still no idea who sent the package. Turns out an eBay seller was the sender of replacement toothbrushes! One seen installed here.

So I may have brought a little bit of business to a small outfit, good. Seems like a roundabout way of shopping but nothing nearer available, supply chain evidently stopped short of toothbrush replacements.

And today is Happy Canada Day! Also White rabbits

And bears throwing pots on wheels.

The Sock Ministry is benefiting from the hot weather keeping me indoors.

Handsome Son is stopping by this morning with various items including the Rxs, yay. I hope he has time for a cup of tea and a piece of plum cake.

Yesterday I broke out a charcoal pencil and tortillon and revealed the unholy jumble in the drawers of that seemingly orderly coffee table. 

Charcoal is nice for giving a ghost image if you rub the back onto another page

If you don't want it to migrate, you spray with a fixative, either an expensive one from the art supply store or a cheap hairspray from anywhere. Both work fine and don't spoil color, if you're working with pastels, contrary to the art shop assertions.

Now to set up the doings for tea and cake for HS.

Happy day everyone! Canadians enjoy your holiday. Everyone:  it's July how amazing is that. 

Beloved Justice Kagan wrote a blistering dissent to the latest SCOTUS outrage, and the new Justice was sworn in, Justice Jackson, let's hope it's not too little too late.

One good thing: SCOTUS sided with Biden on abolishing the stay in Mexico cruel ruling from TFG. Sparks of hope here and there.

Look for the helpers.


  1. Interesting sketch of an interesting subject.

  2. I had never heard of the Gilbert and Ellie Islands. Interesting! Great way to get around the supply chain issues!

  3. I must confess that I've never heard of Gilbert and Ellice Islands.

  4. As long as the far right dominates the court it is too little too late.

  5. I generally learn something when I come here! You have a happy day, too.

  6. If I've ever heard of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands I do not remember. Either option is quite possible.

  7. I think I have a stamp from the Gilbert and Ellice Island somewhere in my stuff from my stamp collecting days....way back when :) The local book store used to sell grab bags of stamps. The stamps were donated from all over the world to a charity to earn funds by selling said stamps.

  8. I'm into two sweaters for my granddaughter going to college in Minnesota this fall. However, I have a drawer full of sock yarn, and hope to rejoin the ministry when it's snowing there.

  9. Joanne, that will be great!

  10. How do you fit it all into a day, and knit socks, and write about it all? Your energy must be boundless!

  11. My energy feels quite bounded, but that's still nice to hear!

  12. Love that wonderful pot-throwing bear illustration! As for Gilbert and Ellice islands so now must 'do a google' to find out more.
    Enjoyed the peep into your drawer which made me feel somewhat better to know that I'm in good company. However, some would say (and they wouldn't be far wrong) that my entire sewing space is a junk drawer.


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