Saturday, July 16, 2022

Transitions, Sally Pointer and Misfits

 Misfits arrived yesterday, interesting trying to bring it indoors without bending or lifting. It's mainly lovely summer fruit this week. 

Apricots have such a short season, here just a few days, blink and you've missed them, so I seized the chance. And since my breakfast is usually half a pita stuffed with fruit, I have my choice. This morning canteloupe.

I had an under the weather night, between shoulder issues and stomach still not sure what to do, so I did a bit of YouTube surfing and found  Sally Pointer's lovely channel about ancient textiles and making things from unusual threads.

This is so tempting, though I don't have enough hair to put in a net, but I really fancy trying this out. It's sprang, a kind of weaving, a bit like Maori finger weaving. She's working in linen thread.

All I needed, to learn one more textile art..

Yesterday's post operative checkup revealed a tiny leak in an incision, and I now have another set of drops on top of the others and a early morning appointment Monday to see if they worked. 

Gary dropped in last evening to talk about Where the Crawdads Sing which is apparently a movie now, and he'd just seen it and to panic over my eye. He commented that I'm calmer than he is about the latest development! 

One terrific thing I've noticed is that my walls, which had been looking dingy, and not in my repertoire to repaint these days, unlike the past, suddenly look a lot cleaner out of the good eye,  and not needing painting half as much as I thought. This is great. I used to do all my own house painting, but nowadays it's not such a good idea to be climbing. So I have a reprieve.

Yesterday's movie was a forgettable old comedy with all the usual suspects, 

Ladies who Do, meaning office cleaning women. They accidentally become capitalists after inadvertently getting inside information about upcoming financial projects their employers are involved in.  Bit of fluff, but well done. You'll recognize these faces, probably.

Also this

Basically a new kind of Whisky Galore, set in a remote Scottish island, okay, also forgettable. But worth a look.

And last evening I did a bit of color play

This morning Krista Tippett was so on point with a message about transitions, just where my tiny world is, speaking of lenses, never mind the stunning new pictures from space of even more of the universe than we knew

This is great stuff. And we're always in some transition or other, so it's useful for everyone.

Happy day everyone, hoping for a good day today, drops and all!


  1. Your Misfits delivery would have been a good time for Gary to put in an appearance. Looks like some really tasty goodies in it this time.
    Sorry to hear about the latest development in your eye - hopefully the drops (bothersome as they may be) do what's needed. Take care of you!

  2. I like your cheery colour play piece! I read "Whisky Galore" many years ago and enjoyed it. I think I saw the movie made from it too. I will watch the movie "Where the Crawdads Sing" when it hits a streaming service because I did enjoy reading the book a couple of years ago. Have a good day with all your eye drops!

  3. The box was out in the hot sun and both Gary and handsome son were away for the afternoon. So I managed. The fruit is very good. Just now I noticed a baby rabbit on the ratio snacking on the cantaloupe rinds.

  4. Being a knitter you might have heard of nalbinding....if not perhaps start here; another ancient craft we should keep alive. Scary to read something leaking. Just thinking about cutting eyes gives me the heeby jeebies, so that bit was the delicate sensitive stuff in your recent posts. The reaction to anaesthetic much more manageable to read about, but not so great for the sufferer we expect. Hope its all amazing in a very short time. (And good to know it has fixed the wall paint.)


  6. Yes I know about nalbinding though I haven't done it. There are so many ancient textile arts.
    Sorry the medical stuff was too graphic!

  7. That’s interesting and cool about the walls seeming cleaner now. I would have expected the opposite.

  8. I hope that leak heals well!

  9. Your color play is beautiful.
    Prayers for good healing

    The misfits box, a piece of smooth backed plastic floor runner, or jute backed carpet piece, can slide a box using an attached rope to pull with good arm. Plastic, fold over top, tape a channel, add dowel, and, tie on a piece of rope for pull. Or 2 holes through box, rope tied to dowel, push through to other side, and pull box. Hope that makes sense.
    I've sat on a chair and pushed box with my feet.

  10. Good ideas here.

    Getting it over the step and into the house is the issue. Then down a step into the kitchen.So I brought in items bit by bit. For the moment that worked in a pinch.

  11. Yep, you would get it done because it needed doing. I hope that box knew it had been outwitted, and just the tiniest tear to your eye surgery. Ah, well, next time will be easier. Apricots are the nectar of the gods!

  12. I hope those drops work! I'm behind so today you will be finding out.
    We saw fields of sunflowers yesterday on our drive home. I thought of you.


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