Friday, July 15, 2022

The day after, yay.

Thanks for all the goodwill coming at me!

Yesterday was a bit more eventful than I'd hoped. The lens took a long time to get installed, so it was more like 45 minutes thsn the expected 20. He had cautioned me that this could happen. Anyway he succeeded, and that part went well. Squeamish Readers, Skip The Next Bit. 

However I had a reaction  maybe to the anaesthesia, maybe the fasting, maybe dehydration, which went on a while. 

After they were pretty sure I wasn't going to throw up any more, they let me leave. Except I had to decorate the sidewalk right after I got in the car.. then waves all afternoon gradually decreasingly till by evening I was okay. But I did get relief for a while from the shoulder pain, a drastic remedy if you ask me.

Gary dropped by to check, and promptly dashed home to find me a nausea remedy he uses! Mike was administering sips of iced tea and tiny bits of the sandwich he'd provided for my lunch , following the recovery nurse's instructions. Between them I had great tlc.

Mike finally got away late afternoon when we were sure all was fine. Later Gary came by to see if I had supper, but I was still working, as wait staff say, on lunch.

I may live alone but yesterday I had resident family care. It was great. And I had a great night's sleep after I sorted out pillows so I could be propped up.

So finally I got to try out my new eyesight. Blurry for a while, then much better. I think it's going to work. The only trick is that my glasses show total confusion out of one lens and moderate correction out of the other. I can function distance without them, but reading not so much. This will be interesting until the other eye is done. But it's what I was told to expect. So there's that.

This morning off to another eye doc in a different office for first followup. Then peace to enjoy my new confused view of the world. Everything looks brighter and cleaner from one eye, interesting.  And I'm following the juggling of eyedrops, tricky when reading's an issue. 

I wonder if I should get reading pince nez, hanging them around my neck, or have I been seeing too many old movies. Maybe a lorgnette, that would be fun.

Enough medical stuff for now, because I found a great old black and white movie, very funny, all the usual Brit comedy suspects, just silly fun. Hapless jewel thieves, hapless business owner and super capable secretary. 

The two principals were husband and wife in real life and regular acting partners too.

And look here, to see who got one line and a thirty second appearance

Yes, the divine Geraldine.

So that's us around here today. None of my cooking was sampled, in fact handsome Son seemed pretty uninterested in heating some for lunch today, when we get home. 

I'm betting he's already got his lunch arranged, probably on his way to the shore, the weather being lovely and he getting to the end of his week's vacation which has been severely interrupted by his aged Mom's needs.

Happy day everyone! All's well.


  1. Good to know the worst is over for this eye. Will you have to have the other one done also?

  2. Thank you. Yes I need the matching set. August 11 we do this again.

  3. So glad the first eye surgery went well! Wishing you a speedy healing. In a month when the second cataract is done, you'll have a perfect pair of eyes again!

  4. SO glad to hear that part one is over and done. I'm so sorry that your stomach rebelled against the anesthesia. Can they try something different or somehow make things easier next time? What beautiful people you have helping you.
    Sending big love your way and hopes that soon you will have two beautifully working eyes so that you can continue with your Artist Way life.

  5. So sorry about the after effects of the procedure - not pleasant but the end result is worth it (although it's hard to tell yourself that whilst going through it!). Good that you had two handsome fellows catering to your every need.
    As for your glasses situation - could you try covering one lens with some tape so you're only looking through one?

  6. Well, sorry about that reaction (ugh!) but I'm glad things are looking brighter for you. It will all be worth it in the end!

  7. Glad to hear all is well. My brother told me that when I get mine done everything will look bluer. When I had my ablation, they put me in twilight sleep, not completely under. Made me nauseous too.

  8. Well, that reaction wasn't what you expected. I am happy your one eye is done and working well. Have a good day of rest after the appointment.

  9. I do the same with anesthesia. I'm glad you had good support and all is good now.

  10. When they do the lens in the other eye do they give it the same focal distance?

  11. I've been thinking of you the past few days. Sending love and healing thoughts. Baby yourself. You deserve it!

  12. Tigger, the lens is the toric one, designed, like the first, to correct long distance and the astigmatism so I expect it will match!

  13. Congratulations on being on the other side of surgery 1. And on the other side of tossing your cookies. Anesthesia does that to me too. Glad Handsome Son and Wonderful Neighbor were on hand to see you through the worst of the after-effects.

    My Mike had one-blurry-eye vision for about a week after each surgery; the surgeon said it takes a while for post-surgery swelling to go down and the eye to resume its normal shape. It was worrying despite the forewarning, but as predicted, his vision cleared on schedule and the second eye recuperation was less fraught because he knew what to expect.

    It will be interesting to hear if the surgeon tries a different drug cocktail for you the next time, or if you'll have to go through the nausea again.

    Continued good luck with the eyedrop schedule! Andy yay audiobooks and movies till your vision clears.

    Chris from Boise

  14. So pleased you're done and dusted the first time. Mine were scheduled about a month apart, too. I remember seeing the snow on the deck as white from the "done" eye and yellow from the other. Over the course of the week the dr. had a cancellation. They called me and I went straight in, less than a week from the first eye. I used my previous eyeglass prescription while I was waiting.

  15. Yay! Glad that’s over. Sending good vibes for a quick and steady recovery! Well done even though it wasn’t exactly as expected!

  16. You had your moments, but it seems to have gone well in the end.


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