Saturday, July 2, 2022

Misfits and Freecycle

Yesterday's Misfits box was a cold pack order, items sent in special packing

So I'm all provisioned for eggs, cheese, fish, chicken butter, yogurt, cool items. 

And the cool pack bag, along with a few togs, 

is leaving this morning via Freecycle, took about ten minutes to set up.

The clothes are now packed into the bag and sitting on the step. The taker happened to have business a few hundreds yards away this morning, worked nicely all round. She's reliable about showing up, too, often a problem with Freecycle, people overcommit, then fail to show. 

Now that I'm winding down with Alice B Toklas, the current reading is a Kate Atkinson

on my Kindle, easiest way right now, since most printed books are a little too small to see well.

And a Mrs Pargeter audiobook 

to accompany knitting and sewing - this time an alteration promised to handsome Son, rehemming frayed jeans legs. This will get done promptly, unlike similar tasks for myself, so mom-typical.

And the view from the stairs waiting for Misfits

Carpenter's pencil 

Happy day everyone and hang in there


  1. Enjoy your books! I use Kindle too, for the same reason.

  2. My son sent his old kindle over and I'm working my way through the book list, currently reading The End of the Day by Clair North.

  3. I've read that Atkinson book and of course it is good.
    Your misfits box looks especially intriguing. Blue cheese? Ah. I always keep a bit at hand.

  4. I've found Misfits to have a good price on fish and chicken. It has to feel good to be drawing again. I can barely make a stick figure!

  5. The fish is scarcely obtainable here, since I think my choices aren't popular in this region, so I'm happy with misfits, and the quality to date has been very good.

  6. Mary, I love a bit of blue cheese on all kinds of food. These sprinkles will be good.

    Ellen, I looked up that writer, only obtainable here in print, so I have to pass.

  7. I really wish I could have managed to like being read to when I was having my cataracts done. I tried, really I did, but I can't do it. I either fall asleep (if I'm trying to pay attention to the book) or I completely lose track of the plot line if I'm trying to do something else at the same time. My jumpy-brain just can't cope. I seem to need real honest-to-goodness paper books.

  8. I like using my Kindle these days because of vision problems. I can more easily control the size of the print and light. The other side, however, I still think I need actual books.

  9. F listens to Ted talks while she is sewing in the evenings. Lately she has been so drained by work she hasn't been able to muster enthusiasm for creative pursuits and tends to fall asleep if someone talks to her from the radio, computer or TV.

  10. I can identify with Tiggers'Mum. but just wanted to say hello!

  11. Just thinking about you today, e, and wondering how things are going on all fronts.

  12. I stopped ordering ready made meals from the "big" suppliers because they came from NY, in "recyclable" packing. In truth, it was only recyclable in NYC, where you left it in the lobby to be collected with your next order.

  13. I've had mixed success with Freecycle. Responses seem much slower in coming and less enthusiastic since the pandemic.


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