Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Admirable Crichton, and prep

Thank you for all the good wishes, everyone who commented and emailed, so supportive. Writing early before Mike comes to pick me up. I have to be there at 8.15 for surgery at 9.15.   With luck, home by 11.

I'm prepped and up early, a bit hungry, but that has to wait till I get home again, hopefully with better vision to see what I'm eating, and a sense of relief that Eye One is done. I suspect my shoulder might feel better once the stress is relieved, too. I'm sure it's all connected.

Meanwhile, other prep yesterday

Chicken, roast fries, onions and spinach, bowl of biscuit dough, waiting to cook, then dished up, in the fridge and ready to reheat.

Also a little something to go with tea, walnut and golden raisins

Yesterday's movie was

Peculiar little movie about social caste and how you can't fight it. The desert island fantasy where people make chic clothes from palm leaves, magically create houses, furniture and cooking equipment, learn to hunt with homemade bows and arrows, that part is fun, though. A bit like Gilligan's Island meets Robinson Crusoe.

Happy day everyone, hoping for success for everyone today.


  1. Wishing you all the best with Eye One!

  2. Thinking of you today, Boud. Hope all goes easily and well.

  3. I hope it is going well now and did go well when you read this.

  4. Hopefully all is well with your surgery. I've had it done and most annoying was having to sleep upright on my back for a few days. Sending many positive thoughts your way!

  5. Prayers all goes well!
    Will be sending extra good vibes today as you recover

  6. You'll be glad to have this surgery behind you, I'm sure! I haven't heard of the Crichton film -- perhaps it even inspired Gilligan? (I'm sure I'm giving Gilligan's creators too much credit.)

  7. Hoping surgery was on schedule and went entirely as planned. Sending hugs!

    Chris from Boise

  8. I hope all went well and you are home.

  9. I haven't ceased to be amazed by everything you do with what must be impaired vision. You didn't chill something sparkling to celebrate a clearer view on life - and I'd love yo see how you might draw draw a glass of something fizzing.

  10. Waiting to hear how it went/you are.

    Kenneth More was in that film about . . . what's his name? Douglas Bader. If you're in a KM mood after Genevieve and Crichton. Reach for the Sky?

  11. You know my thoughts have been with you all day - hope all went well. (I see there's a new post from you this morning so hopefully there's an update there....I'm being good and reading them in order).

  12. I'm glad everything went well.


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