Friday, July 22, 2022

Footsteps on the Deck and other thoughts

Out early this morning to water a few plants before another torrid day. To reach the ficus, which is doing fine entwined in the butterfly bush, I have to go outside the fence, where the sprinkler has just finished. 

Cooled wet feet coming back indoors 

Out front, the marigolds are making up for lost time, late but welcome

And they're colors I like. There are some bitter yellow ones I'm not fond of, but these came up lovely dark reds and golds.

Waking up very early these mornings. It makes a long day, with room for reading and listening, though I can't yet get back to favorite knitting, oh well. Maybe my shoulder will permit a bit of stitching. That vest won't stitch itself.

Last evening I declined an invitation to eat pie across the street with Gary and a neighbor who I guess is a good person and I can't stand her bellowing voice. Later Gary delivered pie to me! 

Mixed berries and very good. 

Misfits is expected this afternoon, with reinforcements of fruit 

Leaving you today with this wisdom

Onward, happy day everyone. Keep cool. Our 100+ heat index is with us through Monday.


  1. Love that quote! A good reminder in these troubled times.

  2. Pie delivery! Now that's a nice neighbour.

  3. I was looking last night for the knitting bag I had taken to North Carolina, knowing that I definitely brought it home, and finally gave up because my darn wrist was already giving me fits from weeding for a few hours yesterday, anyway.
    Our poor bodies!
    I was thinking of making a fig and cherry pie. I wonder if that would be good. Only one way to find out!

  4. You have cherries? This year we had none. I think the cold spring discouraged them! And figs, how I envy your figs.

  5. How wonderful to have pie delivered! I too love the quote. Happy weekend.

  6. We are also having some of those “feels like” 100 days.

  7. I love what you think of to photograph. It challenges me. :)

  8. I love to see barefoot footprints. :-)

    Chris from Boise

  9. It's the Robinson Crusoe touch!

  10. Becki, yes, it's interesting to find different subjects. Are you going to do that, too?

  11. My neighbor brings me beans! Which isn't a bad thing at all, but pie would be nice. It's been a hot and humid summer, not my cuppa. I sure hope that shoulder quits bothering you soon.

  12. Win, win. No noisy neighbour but pie anyway.

  13. The awful heat wave is with us through Sunday. Makes sense; weather moves from west to east

  14. Mr Darwin might have known a thing or two. He might have been musing on the survival of species, but even the ability of an individual to thrive in this modern world requires a kind of resilience that we don't always allow our kids to develop. Being able to come back requires experiencing what set-back feels like and discovering it isn't the end.
    We are into peaches here now - the flat kind turned up in the market this week. Cherries are tailing off but I managed to get some meaty ones that weren't too sweet (i like my fruit to have a hint of acid to enhance the flavour).
    Love the footprints - love that you go about barefoot.

  15. Great quote! And pie delivery has to be the best!
    Seeing the comments above referring to cherries leads me to mention that we purchased a small bag of fresh cherries yesterday on sale (!!!) at $6.99/lb. Slightly over $16 later we are now rationing them. Methinks that will be the only time I'll get to indulge in them this year.


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