Tuesday, March 1, 2022

White rabbits! Happy St David's Day

Either time's speeding up or I'm slowing down, either way

White rabbits!

Happy St David's Day, note the leeks and daffodils

Happy printmaking March, from my maker's calendar

I got a shout-out from the convent I'm doing the socks for

No need, but very nice anyway.

And here's Sock One of Pair Three, various views

Meanwhile Ukraine is holding on, despite ferocious fire power from the Russian madman, and we honor their dignity and art, along with Maggie Rudy


  1. Also turns out to be pancake day. So much going on.

  2. Prayers for a miracle Russians will go back to Russia where they do belong as in Out of the Ukraine!

  3. Always nice to get a shout-out! And the new sock looks FAB!

  4. Pancake day here. A great diversion!

  5. May I post your Ukrainian flag? I hope the Russians will be defeated and go back to their own country but I fear it is not that simple. The madman might remain and therein lies the problem. Nice socks!

  6. Happy St David's Day to you! What a nice shout-out from the convent. Enjoy your pancakes!

  7. E, yes, use the image. I found it via a Google search, a lot of choices, but I like this one.

    Handsome Son visited and we demolished a plate of pancakes swiftly.

  8. I said somewhere, I can't give them tanks or bazookas, but they can have my money.

  9. My second sighting of rabbits. I didn’t know about this.

  10. What a nice shout out on their site for sure. I know there will be many grateful souls (hah, get it? Soles??) who will love your socks.
    It's hard to know what we can do as individuals to support the people of the Ukraine and I finally decided I would purchase online download patterns from one of the designers there. Not much, but at least it might help her and her family.


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