Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Signs of spring, resistance, chop wood carry water

 Local signs of spring

First sighting of daffodils along the street, and some art chalking.

Yesterday's Textiles and Tea was a technical disaster, and I hope they give it another try at some point. From sound distortion to freezing to signal loss to repeated desperate display of the intro slide, it was impossible to get more than this, but I had got screenshots of these works and the speaker slide, so you can follow up if you want.  So sorry for the technicians when this sort of thing happens, just a bad day at the office.

Anyway, here she is

And a reminder 

I guess those of us who knew no Ukrainian before now know the Glory to Ukraine motto.

Meanwhile those of us fortunate enough to chop wood carry water, are doing our bit. Sock Ministry knitting is happening.

And last night's dinner went over just fine, Handsome Son doing great justice to the menu of spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread, and the lacy doily cookies, too.

I had roasted a head of garlic in olive oil, 45 at 400°f,  wrapped in foil, to reduce the cloves to butter consistency.  Then scooped out and mixed it with oil and butter, spread on slices of bread, reassembled the slices tightly like a loaf, wrapped in foil, warmed  through in the oven so  it came hot to the table. 

The sauce was a can of tomatoes, mashed, knob of butter, sprig of curry leaves, simmered for a while. Anyway it was good and there are leftovers, also good.

Happy day, blogistas. Hoping for better days for Ukraine and the generous Poles and Hungarians opening their homes to refugees.


  1. I'm thinking of making a spaghetti for supper tonight. We shall see.
    Chopping wood and hauling water over here. Two grandsons are spending the day with us and we are having many adventures.

  2. My neighborhood would be a great place for them today. On one side, major tree felling giant ash trees, branch chipping, huge equipment. On the other, the fence installers, lifting big sections of fences, swinging them about, major hole digging, using diggers, backhoes, graders, great toys for boys.

  3. Spaghetti over here as I attempt to use up veggie pesto, Cooking some small fish pieces for fish tacos tomorrow as well and I love the socks!

  4. The socks have landed and been very well received. I'm now officially in the community's prayers. So this is good. I think it's about praying I'll continue rather than praying I'll improve!

  5. Slava Ukraini indeed! May their spirits stay strong.

  6. Spaghetti and meatballs are a favourite here. Haven’t had them in a while. Hmmm…

  7. Your roasted garlic sounds great. I will give it a try.
    Lovely textiles.

  8. No spaghetti since I quit cooking. Sad.

  9. I love roasted garlic! I used to have a special terra cotta garlic roaster, but got rid of it in a downsizing as it's really not a necessary kitchen appliance.

  10. I just use tinfoil and a small ovenproof pot. It's tempting to have a special pot though.

  11. Glad to hear the spaghetti dinner went over well. Of course I had no doubts.

    I wonder if the people in this country have the wherewithal and stamina to resist an invasion like that.

  12. Your monthly dinners seem like a fine event, and the food is good too.

  13. I'm so glad you have your dinners with your son. Gives you something to prep for and I'm sure he enjoys eating someone else's cooking.
    Resident Chef often roasts garlic - generally he uses the slow cooker and puts it out on the balcony so as not to stink up the apartment. The neighbours must love him!


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