Friday, March 11, 2022

Misfits, protest knitting

Today was Misfits coldpack day. I got produce last Friday so I'm trying out alternating Fridays this way. Next week I'll need produce again.

I was just coming home from the knitting group when I noticed a van blocking my parking spot. I waited patiently figuring he'd leave soon, then realized it was my Misfits, arriving with impeccable timing.

Waiting for me to open it and remove the freezer blocks before I bring it in.

And here's the doings. Easy prep, largely putting away in the freezer. I'll make turkey meatballs though, thinking of maybe spaghetti and meatballs next week for Handsome Son's monthly dinner.  And maybe garlic bread.

And now, after a few vicious swipes with my handy box cutter,  the box is ready to recycle.

The sock knitting is trotting along. I'll soon have four pairs to send off, with more to come.

Sock Ministry or protest knitting? You be the judge.

Happy weekend, blogistas.


  1. My mother talked about Knittin' for Britain. Women would literally knit bandages in movie theaters, needing no light to see what they were doing. I think you're using that same sort of energy right now, doing what you can for humanity.
    Gulf shrimp! Can't wait to see what you do with those.

  2. I've been wondering about the shrimp, too. So many possibilities.

  3. I read of blind men and women knitting for Britain, and taught myself to knit without looking. Reading the stitches. It was wonderful.

  4. In World War II, Canadian women knitted for the war effort too. My grandmother did not know how to knit, so she hired another women to knit socks on her behalf so she could donate them to the military. When my father (her son) was serving in the Italian campaign, a shipment of donated socks was received from Canada and distributed to the men. He found a handwritten note in the toe of his pair that was addressed "to the soldier who receives these socks" and it was from his mother!

  5. Alternating Fridays is a good way to handle the Misfits. Maybe it's a bit easier to have less at once to deal with? I would say Sock Ministry and maybe distraction knitting. Those socks are too lovely to be a protest! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Debra that's funny about the note from his mother! I've been thinking about doing something similar for my socks, but haven't come up with a good idea. I've tried and discarded a few though. Ideas, not socks.

    Bonnie, every other Friday is how I've been doing misfits up to now. I'm thinking now of every Friday, ordering less each week, now that prices have risen. The minimum order is smaller than it was a while back. Then it was enough for two weeks. I'll see how it works.

    The color scheme in the picture is that of the Ukrainian flag. That's the protest!

  7. That was good timing and you’re all set again.

  8. Every Friday seems like it would be less work to sock everything away. (See what I did there? hee hee) Of course you'll have to do it every week instead of every other week.

  9. Those are some nice-looking socks!

  10. Love the sneaky sock joke, Ellen. Before prices rose, the minimum amount $30, would be too much for one week, which is why I ordered biweekly. But now the prices are up, I can reach the minimum with fewer items. Sigh. And ordering weekly doubles the shipping. Flat fee for every box. So we'll see.

  11. I can't get over how fast you're knitting those socks. You've knit all those in the space of time it would take me (and that's if I were pushing it) to knit even ONE sock must less a pair.

  12. I think I'm on a roll, Mary Ann! It's lovely yarn to handle and I don't find there's a lot of acreage in socks. It's mainly navigating the toe and heel.


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