Thursday, March 3, 2022

Swings and roundabouts

You know the fairground expression, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.

This has been a week of swings, mainly, what with the tax hurry up and refile, the Misfits mishaps, the cable snafu, and today has continued the trend.

Knitting happily away, ready to start a new skein of grey when the old one ran out I found that I didn't have one. All used up. 

Here auditioning a candidate for the section between here and the toe. 

I'll have to do a design dance to finish the pair still looking like a pair.  They don't have to match, just look as if they belong.

Then I thought I'd finish up this year's tax return and found yay, it was completed, only needed scanning and printing.

I got all the scanning done and , after one page, the printer refused to function, despite all my workarounds.  So I did backups, via phone pix and scanner, and mailed the return.

I'd forgotten to bring out the paper recycling when I went to the mailbox, so I went back with the recycling container to empty it into the recycling dumpster. Whose lid came down, knocking the container out of my hand and into the depths of the empty dumpster. 

Back home again for something to fish it out with, came back with a gardening rake, managed to retrieve the container and thought I'd check the incoming mail while I was there.

And found a letter from the IRS, billing me for a large sum. Payable by March 14, daily interest accruing. Evidently the letter last week instructing me to refile to claim a credit didn't apply to my case. I had wondered how it was owed. 

So, a whole series of adventures on swings.

But then, balance restored with these wonderful roundabouts, starting with another item in the mail, from dear honorary granddaughter Heather

Dyed silkworm cases, mounted on beautiful deckled heavy art paper. From a weaving studio and shop in Vancouver, on her recent visit. The texture alone is worth feeling and studying. 

Then lunch was potato celery soup flavored with Thai basil

Dessert was dates from this beautifully designed box

Equilibrium is now restored chez Boud.

Still high anxiety around Ukraine.


  1. The silk work cases are interesting. Viewing them would go well with those figs.

    The March New Moon is tonight.
    I 've learned over the years that during a New Moon, disruptions in (my) life can increase. On the other hand, New York Post articles says this New Moon will be the luckiest of the year. Luck, I guess, can be a disruption when leaning towards the positive. Whatever a person believes, maybe buying a lottery ticket today is a consideration. :)

  2. You are definitely not high on Fortuna's Wheel at the moment. Hopefully soon the inevitable cycling around will come about and things will go more smoothly. Meanwhile, looks to me like you are making the best of it all that you can because that is who you ARE!

  3. Good food is always a plus, and yours looks very fine.

  4. You know what they say, when it rains, it pours. Hopefully it will dry up soon.

  5. I’ve never seen silkworm cases. You always have something interesting to share, Boud.

  6. Oh, our dear IRS. I had a $1 tax refund this year, to be deposited into my bank account. And there it was this morning!

  7. Don't spend it all in one place, Joanne!

  8. Are you sure that IRS thing is legit, and not some scam to get money out of you? You can't be too careful in today's world. I'd phone the IRS to double-check.

  9. Your perspective is so calming, dear Liz. However there may have been some steam coming out of your ears in the moment? Glad to hear things balanced out in the end. Those silkworm cases are beautifully displayed! Looking forward to seeing how you work out the sock challenge.

    Still waving the Ukrainian flag here too!

    Chris from Boise

  10. Alas, Debra, I studied the reasoning they presented and they're right. Also the return address was correct, acc to the Treasury website. I was hoping..

    Chris, quite a few groans escaped me in the course of the morning! But I wondered if the neighbors were having a great entertainment watching me trudging back and forth with rakes, buckets, mail, in a high wind.

  11. Odd socks are very fashionable. There are stores dedicated to selling them. You will be a trendsetter.

  12. Liz, I'll hold that thought!

  13. Oh my. That tax situation sounds pretty stressful! I'm glad your equilibrium came back so readily!

  14. Steve, in light of what's happening in the world, my troubles are pretty small.

  15. Oh goodness - sounds like a day to end all days! Hopefully you can get the IRS sorted out and that their demanding money is in error. In the meantime you have knitting to sooth your soul, and something wonderful in the mail to enjoy.


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