Sunday, March 27, 2022

Soup, the calming food

After the anxiety of the recent days, I had a lovely quiet day of knitting, listening to a Marjorie Allingham audiobook, and making the soup I'd planned.

I used the whey from the cheese making, with cashews, carrots and sweet potatoes, and milk powder to make a cream soup. Flavored with nutmeg, lemon juice turmeric and berbere.  Isn't that a beautiful golden color?  You can't stay tense around this soup.

And I found these

They look like sections of Greek architecture. The salt is particularly amazing, minute cubes.  Wonder is a good thing to invite into our lives, even in such tragic times.


  1. Soup is good for the spirit and the constitution! The perfect food.

  2. Talk about the building blocks of life!

  3. Those microscopic salt cubes look like the big salt blocks that farmers put out in the fields for their cattle to lick.

  4. Fascinating to see the salt and sugar! The soup looks wonderful and would be welcome here today because we're back into the cold (-7C) and it's trying to snow. Wonder if spring will EVER get here!

  5. Gorgeous soup with a golden glow!

  6. Those are fascinating pictures of salt and sugar. I am amazed at how perfectly square the salt grains appear.

  7. Interesting photos! I had no idea those crystals would be so regular.


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