Friday, March 18, 2022

Patchett, woodblock print, and other important things

Today was a good day for many things.

Here's the Thai basil, now flowering, in the kitchen, the subject of the picture not as important as the composition. 

If you are familiar with the Japanese woodblock print, you'll recognize I am quoting the composition here. 

In general the subject is less important for an artist than the composition, color masses, and balance.  A lot of times we use photography to convey factual material but that's not all of it. The camera is an art tool, too.

Speaking of art and making it, Darrell Wakelam is again offering a great free lesson, for kids or anyone who wants to be in sunflower mode right now. 

He's a wonderful teacher, and even the youngest children do well with his lessons.

Here's a bit of straightforward photographic information: after friend's first crochet lesson: what she made.  She's going to be very good.

And here's the first sock of Sock Ministry,  Pair Five. 

Second sock now on the needles during our knitting group today, where we saw the crochet.

Home again, and a thump at the door indicates the Misfits box has arrived.

Smaller haul than usual,  all in good shape and complete. Ready for more cooking adventures.

With the weekend coming up, this is lovely to think about, Maggie Rudy and the mouse quilting bee, complete with children underfoot.

Meanwhile I'm reading a great book of essays, written in a style you can't put down, just one more, just one more..on flying, childlessness, writing, parents, dogs, friends, a great treasure of a book.

So there's Friday for you. Happy weekend!


  1. I've become an Ann Patchett fan. Must get that book.

  2. I must put that Ann Patchett book on my "to read" list. I read the description of it at Amazon and it sounds outstanding!

  3. I, too, love Ann Patchett. Of course!
    I think you will be making a lot of interesting meals with the contents of that newest box.

  4. I'll have to see if my library has that since I don't seem to have time to read a whole book.

  5. Got my Kindle copy now and will start reading it soon! Thanks for the tip!

  6. I’ve never read Ann Patchett. The library has here I’m sure.

  7. I shall have to check out that book.

    I can't find the sunflower instructions but there are loads of great ideas of things to make on that website. Thank you.

  8. I've heard good things about that Patchett book but I haven't read it myself. I should! (I don't think I've ready ANY Patchett, actually, even though everyone raves about "Bel Canto" and it's been on my list for years.)

  9. I was put off Bel Canto mainly by people insisting I read it. When I finally did, I wished I hadn't put it off.

  10. The book will be going on my library wish list - thank you. I don't think I've ready any of her books so I'm looking forward to it.
    Once again the Misfits box looks most intriguing.


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