Monday, March 28, 2022

Real life crashing in, and miniature commentary

 Bitterly cold for March this morning, wind chills in single digits, so I went out early to start my car for a doctor's appointment, another in the bp monitoring series. Car started fine, all well, off on the road to the medical arts building,  found a parking spot, so far so good.

As I pushed the button to open the doors to the building, a few feet behind me came a sudden screech of metal, grinding, crashing, debris flying, I thought I'd broken the building, then looked back at the foot of the ramp where I was a minute earlier

And saw this. It's dangling over a drop to the lower level, seesawing on the retaining wall, front end gone, railing bits all over.  I went inside, people already rushing to help. After I'd checked in at the doctor's receptionist, looked out, and there was my doctor attending the driver. Turns out she was shaken up but unhurt. The driver, not the doctor, who was as unflappable and chic as always.

After my appointment, at which my doctor commented that the bp was acceptable considering the event a few minutes earlier, the heavy lifters had arrived. 

Great confusion in the parking lot because the usual flow wasn't possible, lanes blocked, vehicles and yellow tape everywhere, so I got away thankfully. 

Once home, pot of tea and a little miniature break which I want to share with you.

Seasonal scene here.

And a timely antiwar scene


  1. How scary...I'm glad the driver was unhurt and that you had a good appointment.

  2. Glad you weren't in the way. The shock of it can be unsettling. I hope you can take it easy for the rest of the day.

  3. What a test for your blood pressure! And so scary too. Glad you were not hit by flying debris.

  4. "I thought I'd broken the building..."
    That made me laugh because I would have thought the same thing! Proof that correlation is not causation, I guess. Just glad that everyone was okay.
    I love that artist. I have seen some of these before and they are just so absolutely perfect.

  5. How frightening that must have been for you! Thank goodness you were up the ramp before they crashed!

  6. Wow, what a close call you had! Glad you'd moved up from the ramp by the time the accident happened. And those miniature scenes are so clever! I especially like the TV and couch made out of creme biscuits!

  7. That one's my favorite, too. So simple, so funny.

    I guess the crash was close, though it didn't seem so at the time, so sudden.. Very lucky nobody was close. Only stuff got broken.

  8. Oh my - there's never a dull moment in your life is there! Your angel must have been watching over you to make sure you were out of the way. And the driver obviously had an angel watching over them too. Scary stuff though.
    Love those miniatures - thank you!

  9. Whew! I too am glad that you were off the top of the ramp when the car crashed into the bottom. Your doctor seems unflappable.

    Thank you for sharing those amazing miniatures. Mike and I looked at each other in astonishment. How do people think of these things?! Simply fabulous. The safety pin briefcase and scooter were my favorite, followed closely by the domino climber. So simple, so clever!

    Sounds like a good chilly evening for soup! Red lentil soup tonight out here.

    Chris from Boise

  10. It's good you were safely inside when the drive stomped on the wrong peddle.

  11. I was still outside, at the top of the ramp and steps, hence the noise. I took pix later, before I left the building.

  12. Wow. That was a close call. And your blood pressure was okay! Yay!

  13. Blogger was misbehaving for me yesterday and I couldn't see the images. So glad I came back to see those miniatures! My favorite is the tape dispenser and scissors pram. Actually didn't need the images for your close encounter - your words were vividly sufficient!

  14. Tea. You can take the Brit out of Britain but … 😀

  15. Well I am glad you were past that point where the car came crashing in. That would certainly send the BP up! I am always amazed at people's creativity. My mind doesn't work like that, but I taught many kids who did. I loved having art for those students.


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