Thursday, March 10, 2022

Tatters event and other good thoughts

I'm passing on this invitation to stitchers, if you're interested in a chance to learn, participate and donate, to help preserve the art of Ukraine

And a reminder that it's the oil companies gouging us for gas buying, not the President. Middle east oil is ramping up production to offset Russian cutbacks, which are only 10% of our supply.

In fact not all those choices are available to a lot of people in the US. But we can refrain from complaining, while pressuring the oil companies to back down, and pushing for greater renewables.  

And here's a note of hope. Life continues, returns, nature heals

Not up to writing much about my tiny life today. 



  1. When I get back to doing cross-stitch (someday!), I want to do some Ukrainian motifs. I had a book on it at one time, but it has mysteriously disappeared.

  2. I can’t believe that big oil would gouge us. 🤓

  3. What could be more beautiful than sunflowers in that light? And everyone know what they represent these days…

  4. Couldn't agree more. Hoping you're having a peaceful tiny day no matter what fierce winds swirl around the world.

    Chris from Boise

  5. Peace to you, dear woman.
    Peace to all.

  6. Good post. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. 💗 ☮

  7. Tiny life? I don't think so. If all of us did as much as you do the world would be a much better place.

  8. Thank you, Mary Ann. I hope that's true!


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