Monday, February 28, 2022

Misfits mis-hits, emergency pizza and sock knitting therapy

So, long story short, after many messages from FedEx first claiming they'd delivered last Friday, then saying one more day, one more day, and increasingly irritated emails and tweets from me to Misfits, and increasingly harassed and unhappy responses, Misfits threw in the towel. 

The order which FedEx logged as delivered last Friday afternoon, never arrived. So Misfits has issued a complete refund including shipping.

I even walked around the neighborhood this morning in case it had been left at a wrong number. My neighbors travel a lot and might not know. Nope.

I did place a new order which should (!) arrive Friday. Is so, all is forgiven. and I'll do an unboxing. If not, I'll walk.

Meanwhile I've been hanging in, not wanting to shop locally then get a delivery.

Today emergency half pizza for lunch

Mozzarella, blue cheese crumbles, capers, pepper flakes. Glass of milk. Pretty good.

I made the salmon, too, yesterday. No pix, too frazzled what with one thing and another. I baked it in the oven for about ten minutes, then, reversing the usual order,  finished it on top of the stove in a cast iron pan, with mashed potatoes, both gently browned. 

Made a simple sauce of mayonnaise and Dijon mustard. It was very good. The Brussels sprouts not having appeared,  I went greenless. 

This evening the rest of the salmon with the last of the pasta, Alfredo style.  I will survive. I haven't had to defend myself with a Kalashnikov, so proportion is everything.

The other exciting thing is that the 24 hour  cable outage I mentioned yesterday was the result of an official looking guy, on Saturday, in a hiviz jacket, cutting and taking away the section of cable serving this block. 

I saw him, figured it was a cable guy who had replaced cable, it happens and it had been red flagged, and was taking the old coax back to hq. 

Then we all realized we'd lost the connection. Not evidently done by the cable company, who sent out a technician late yesterday to reconnect the cable. The fence company denied any part in it, landscapers likewise.  So evidently a freelance saboteur or something! I'm guessing a massive failure to communicate, covered by stout denial.

Back online now, and full of complaints!

And so grateful for the therapy of the Sock Ministry.

Go Ukraine. Heavy bombardment this morning. Prayers going out


  1. I sincerely hope that Misfits just somehow made a mistake because I would miss you getting those boxes!

  2. They're just announcing this week that they are now nationwide. I wonder if the marketing has got ahead of the ability to deliver. They mentioned a heavy load of incoming customer complaints.

  3. Maybe the Misfits box went with the faux cable guy!

  4. After awhile, it could be porch pirates targeting such a service.
    How carriers claim delivery is a mystery. I hope the next package doesn't go missing.

  5. Wilma, that's an idea! Too funny, roll of cable on one shoulder, large Misfits box on the other!

    SP, in this neighborhood, unlikely. I've even had neighbors challenge people coming to pick up Freecycle bags labeled to them. Protective neighbors. Also the Misfits box typically weighs upward of 30lbs, including the freezer blocks. Not easy to remove from the ground and carry off up the street.

  6. My sister orders her groceries online and the store delivers them. Once the store delivered to a wrong address. The people at the other address just said, "Thank you very much!" But at least the store did refund the cost of her order.

  7. In this neighborhood, it would be rare. I've had items delivered to the wrong house, then rushed to my door by the neighbor, full of apologies. Indian neighbors, and I'm the old Auntie!

  8. Our daughter lost a parcel recently, never delivered though reported as delivered. She did receive a refund though. Someone enjoyed the items. I hope you have better luck this week!

  9. When I lived in the trailer park, misdelivered orders were rushed to the correct address or left on the wrong porch, very visible, for the addressee to drive around the park and find.
    I saw a misfit ad and almost signed up. Glad I waited.

  10. Go Ukraine, and bless you for flying the flag.

    Glad your pantry and freezer are well-stocked. You're coping well with the Misfit mishap. Sock Ministry fits this situation well.

    Chris from Boise

  11. I'm sorry you've had to deal with missing internet and Misfits. That's just too much at one time. Thank goodness for sock therapy!

  12. How strange about the cable. I wonder if someone was stealing the wiring? Apparently some wiring is quite valuable as scrap and desperate people have been known to make off with it.

    Bummer about the delivery. Deliveries should not be as difficult as they are.

  13. I hope you get the misfits worked out...fingers and toes crossed here...

  14. I think we all worry a bit about deliveries going awry, but you have had it happened, and it worked out alright in the end.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. FedEx sounds about as trustworthy as Canada Post. I have learned to avoid their package delivery services (and I use the term 'service' very broadly!!) in favour of UPS who seem, touch wood, to be reliable.
    Yesterday (Friday) our hydro went out around 11 in the morning and wasn't back on until after 11 at night. Not exactly fun when we're in the dead of winter. Where there's a will there's a way so last night I hauled out a head lamp and knitted anyway. Take that, hydro!


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