Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 If you're reading this at 2.22 pm, you're on point.

And, as a change from human-made art, look at this

Later today is Textiles and Tea, and at some point the women artists of Morocco. I'm in danger of a backlog of images, bear with me.

Meanwhile, the latest sock, bigger size this pair, is coming along. 

I decided to do the cuff in black, not to match toe and heel after all, otherwise it would look too much like a future sock monkey. I'm knitting rapidly because of the exciting thriller I'm listening to. Also to dispel my tension over events in Europe. 

Germany has applied the next turn of the screw by banning the second pipeline. Sanctions soon I hope, to choke off Russian funding. And I imagine Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are on high alert. I remember when they finally got out from the Iron Curtain. Putin would like to build a Russian empire again. Deza galore on social media claiming Ukraine is Russian.

Ukrainian Americans, I know some blogistas are, my heart is with you.


  1. I just can't believe what's going on. I am not just fearful for the Ukraine, I am fearful for the entire planet. Putin is a mad man.

  2. This is a very scary situation, no question.

    I hadn't realized the palindrome. That's pretty impressive!

  3. I'm worried about Europe too. There probably are Russian u-boats in Swedish waters as well, unless they are focused more on the Baltic states. I fail to understand why these dudes, like Putin, just can't be happy with what they've got. So tired of all this power grabbing.

  4. Amazing art nature gives us and most don't see or appreciate.

  5. Well the art and nature are always interesting here, and the palindrome has not escaped me but Putin is just like a certain ex-president. Who else would pull this in a pandemic?

  6. History repeats itself. The brink of war…again.

  7. Putin keeps popping up in my remarks. He's a scary man. Sanctions world, sanctions.

  8. The Elm Scribblings are amazing. But I keep seeing a belly button. An outie, putting it pointedly. :D

  9. The worst part about the whole Russian invasion is that so many republicans are standing with Putin and criticizing Biden.

    The elm scribblings are pretty cool.

  10. Ellen, he's got conpromat on a lot of them. They're probably being careful not to go near open Windows, too.

  11. Is that really not man-made art? It's amazing.

  12. Our hearts are with the Ukraine too. Putin is nothing if not predictable. He's not going to be happy unless he starts WWIII and what's even more terrifying is that Donald AH is making a comeback....he's all over the news here again.


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