Monday, February 21, 2022

Happy Presidents' Day

We used to have Lincoln's birthday and Washington's birthday on whatever days they fell. Then they reorganized national holidays to fall on the nearest Monday, to give people long weekends, so they both got shoved into one day. Some people lost a holiday there, sneaky. The Fourth of July is pretty much stuck on that date, with adjustments made for when to observe it.

Meanwhile one great NJ legislator recognizes a real president, skipping over TFG.

And finally, a playlist I can get behind!

This is some Sagittarius! Speaking as one meself

Then, in case you're a newer follower, here's the latest in the Great Fence Saga, which is now two years and counting, has felled two contractors and two site managers, and now may yet come to pass. This taped to my door this morning.

Finally for the day, proof that Whining Works

Not sayin' Joe reads my blog, what with Ukraine and Putin and all, but here we are.

Happy day, everyone!


  1. Oh my Lord! Those eyelashes.
    All right- get some before and after photos of the fence! I am excited for you.
    We got our tests last week. They are sitting and waiting for us to use them or not, as the case may be.
    We were so lucky to have had President Obama for two terms, weren't we? I still fill with pride when I think of that.

  2. The parts of the fence already installed, in the other side of the development I posted about when they went up. It's so ugly, hideous yellow clashing with the cream stucco, plasticky composition. We all love the weathered cedar fence we have. But wood needs replacing faster.

    Meanwhile we're all planning on planting as fast as possible after installation to hide the thing!
    And the fence company have started up again barking orders at us.

    Yes I'm happy we elected Obama, then did it again! We did well there.

  3. Oh, I'm sure Joe reads your blog! Just like Justin reads mine. We are the pulse of the nation, baby.

  4. Debra we are the leading economic indicators. Little known but important. Where we go, society follows.

  5. They should skip President's Day and make election day a national holiday. I guess you'll be glad for the fence project to finally come to an end.

  6. It amused me that public workers have so many holidays. Don't know why.

  7. I've never seen a Sagittarius bird. It's beautiful! It's good to know you will receive your tests soon. I looked at mine again today and they expire in April. I am grateful they were free but you would think they would last longer than that.

  8. A February holiday is a good thing. We had Family Day yesterday. It is provincial; and not federal.

  9. Joe does have his hands full these days!

  10. Sorts depends on where you work for what's an actual holiday and what's a day there's no mail or banking.

  11. Pam, yes, some federal holidays are literally that -- only state and federal workers get them. Some are more universal -- memorial day, labor day, Fourth, etc where most people, except service and retail workers, get them.

    AC, I remember my Canadian sisters pouring scorn on family day! Were you supposed to just talk to family? Make up your feud? WTH was it for? I noticed they did take it though..

    People who live where there's winter certainly appreciate a February day off just to keep them ticking over.

  12. Yes, it was Family Day here - but it's not in ALL the Canadian provinces, which is utterly ridiculous. The way I heard it was that the powers that be thought we needed a long weekend thrown in there between Christmas and Easter to break up the monotony. I'm sure there's an underlying rational we weren't privy to.
    We all are waiting, holding our breath, to see about the fence....


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