Thursday, February 17, 2022

Life goes on, joyfully


Two mourning doves came down to a favorite trysting place, first time this year. Every year the doves and squirrels mate on this high part of the fence. Not a great picture, but you get the gist.

I hope the doves will nest close by. They're good neighbors.

Thank you all for the kindness yesterday.  I knew you would come through.

The car is running fine again,  driver doing okay too. The lasagna was a hit with Handsome Son, too. He doesn't do salad so I steamed a batch of broccoli to go with it. The lasagna made six meals and is now history.

So that's where we are, happy day, all!


  1. I like the sounds doves make, but they're not the smartest birds! LOL

  2. Best part is, of course, the driver is doing well also. I went through many problems with my car also (note - I don't say anything out loud as I don't want to temp the car ghosties).

  3. Glad you had a nice celebration, with delicious lasagna!

  4. We sold our car a few years ago since we didn't drive it very much at all. And each time we wanted to use it, the battery would be dead from lack of use. A clear case of use or lose it1

  5. Mmm lasagna. i do salad but not broccoli. 😇

  6. The neighbourhood animals can be a great distraction. I love doves and squirrels but not everyone appreciates squirrels for sure.

  7. I'm happy all is well for you. I dearly love mourning doves and thankfully we have many here. Their call reminds me of my grandmother because I always heard them at her home.

  8. The cardinals here have appeared especially playful lately. Couples flit around chasing each other (mostly the males seem to chase the females). We've had some very weird warm weather (and then we get freezing and snow again) and I've wondered if it ever plays havoc with the birds and the bees.

  9. The bigger white wing doves began moving in about 15 years ago and have run the mourning doves off but interestingly enough not the even smaller inca doves. When I lived in the city I used to find the broken mourning dove eggshells on the ground every year. We may not have mourning doves but we are awash in cardinals.

  10. I'm noticing an increase in bird songs the past week so that generally means that spring is in the offing. However....I don't think Mother Nature got the memo because she's planning another winter blast tomorrow.


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