Thursday, February 24, 2022

Radical self care, Greek food

This morning has been about ocular migraine, vision disturbance, result of stress, probably a side effect of the Ukrainian invasion today.

I can't write about that, too huge and terrible. And I've once again put on hold the Moroccan women artists presentation, too difficult to see.

I did make it to the library though, before my vision went sideways, and here's what's up with that. I'm seizing intervals when I can see without jagged lines and flashing lights showing instead of what's there, to quick do this post.

Brandi Cheyenne Harper's radical self care book is very important. It's about knitting, designing, art, and about race and  gender bias impeding minority people. 

To straight white knitters it comes as a nasty surprise to hear about bias against minorities, aren't we all just enjoying our craft and art? 

Well, no, turns out that from even a young age, black and brown people are hindered, shoved aside, their designs swiped, and white people either actively or passively, are responsible. 

From yarn stores being unwelcoming, knitting groups likewise, to minority designers not being invited to yarn festivals, conventions, it happens up and down. This despite the long history of minority women's textile arts history and dazzling design skills.

If you didn't know this before, now you do. We can all be more inclusive, starting with buying this terrific book. This is a particularly a good day to look at it, beautiful layout, design, patterns, words. Just go there!

And the Greek cookbook is a foray into food i haven't had a lot of happiness with, from local restaurants indigestible souvlaki sandwiches to Greek friends  drenching everything in honey and trying to force us to eat way beyond our capacity, hospitality run amok. I'm sure I can find a centrist approach! The layout is lovely, get that flyleaf, so I'm hopeful.

Praying for better days in Ukraine. 


  1. I hope your ocular headache retreats and vision is restored. I too worry about Ukraine and people caught in it.

  2. Prayers your headache goes away

    About the racism issue, ponder this:

    The majority of blogs I read are sewing, needlework, quilting, etc., blogs. My present list is created 100% on read and click. Unless I see a photo, I have no idea what a blogger looks like.
    Years ago I realize the photos I do see are heavy on the spectrum light side. Thus, I began building a diverse blog reading list.

    I stopped building a diverse blog after discovering a website for a really nice well put together blogger convention, blogger awards and all, for people on the spectrum dark side as in Not for the light spectrum side.

    I returned to following bloggers that for all I know could be paisley skinned.

  3. I do hope you feel better soon. It is heartbreaking to see what is happening in Ukraine. I have been praying for them as well.

  4. I can’t watch the news today. The world is on the brink again! Aren’t we dealing with enough already? Devastation on so many. Levels! A migraine is understandable.

  5. I am completely not surprised to hear about the fact that people of color who knit have so many roadblocks thrown up to block them. I mean- why should knitting be any different than anything else in this country? For whatever reason, I've been seeing evidence of the vast distance between what so many people think this country is like and what it actually is everywhere I look today. I mean, I see it all the time but today has just been filled with it. I suppose I should just be damn grateful that our country hasn't attacked another country today.
    So sorry to hear you're having a bad ocular headache. I have a friend who suffers from them almost weekly. He has tried eliminating so many different foods from his diet and he hasn't found a thing that helps there.

  6. Racism in knitting, you say. Good grief. Has coffee with a Ukrainian friend this morning. He bought a donut but gave it to me because he was too upset to eat it. All the best with your morning troubles.

  7. Thank you all for the migraine sympathy. Mine are very much stress related, and just breathing, drinking tea, mouthful of dark chocolate, caffeine helps, generally sets things right.

    Yes, one of the few things I can see today is that at least it's not us this time attacking another country. So we don't have shame on top of tragedy.

    I've been knitting my ministry sock as and when I can, as a form of prayer. Trying to keep my oxygen mask in place in order to help others. Including boosting a lovely book on knitting, by a designer of elegant clothes.

  8. So sorry about the head - hopefully it's sorted now.
    Will check to see if our library has that's difficult to believe that there's racism in crafting but it seems it's everywhere.
    I'm refusing to listen to the news today because it's just too much.

  9. I have never joined an arts group that was not diverse. I've never had to leave a group because it was not diverse. Maybe I should live somewhere else.

  10. I'm glad to hear your experience has been good, Joanne.

  11. I love Greek food. I make a pretty mean spanakopita.

  12. Debra, that's one of the dishes I like.

  13. Why should the knitting industry be any different than any other aspect of American culture. People of color are impeded in this country. White people are thieves taking what they want and giving no credit to the source.

    Hope your vision settles down soon.

  14. Hoping that today your ocular migraine has dissipated, though the stress remains. I can't bear to watch the news, and I can't bear thinking what it must be like in Ukraine right now.

    The outdoors being my preferred habitat, I have been dismayed to find out that people of color can find it a very uncomfortable place, for many reasons. Analogous to knitting circles. Sigh.

    Agnostic prayers flying every which way today.

    Chris from Boise


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