Tuesday, February 1, 2022

White rabbits, happy St Brigid, Happy New Lunar Year

 A lot going on today. Let's go.

Here's my calendar on the new month. Singing and dancing, song writing.

I missed out on this because my first words were hello, Doctor, as my lovely doc called me personally at 7am to postpone today's appointment on account of the building having a water main break during the night. 
Two hours later the practice management called, same message.

Gladstone and Larry are the Twitter accounts of real cats, adopted from the Battersea dogs and cats home, to work on the endless mouse problems at the various buildings on Downing street, including the currently infamous Number Ten. They're much more popular than their human occupants right now.

And Emmy is a fearless campaigner to restore some kind of  order to her country under siege from the fallout of Brexit.

Best wishes on all this from your blogwriter, an Earth Tiger. For St Brigid, I defer to SheWhoSeeks' blogpost tomorrow.

Just an afterword about the curry leaf plant. Native to Asia, it grows as a tree. So I live in hope that my little  specimen will continue to flourish.

Here's more than you wanted to know

Hard to believe it's the start of spring, but the days are lengthening, the sun is lighting a different part of the living room.

And here's a van Gogh to help the mood

Meanwhile it's still feeling like winter, temps this morning in single digits f., so soup is on the menu. Potato, cauliflower today, cream of home made vegetable stock.

Happy everything from the cosy place Chez Boud.


  1. Another good day to stay home and stay warm, although too bad your appointment was cancelled. It is a lovely day here, but even though the wind is only a light breeze, the sea is crashing up onto the shore - a good test for our newly renovated sea wall. So far, so good.

    Potato soup sounds wonderful. I've never tried it with cauliflower. Is that your usual recipe?

  2. I love Larry the Cat, the "Official Mouser" of No 10 Downing Street! I've done a couple of posts on him over the years.

  3. Chez Boud sounds wonderful. As does your doctor!
    Our snowdrops are finally out and today here in south wales it's been pleasantly mild so here's to Spring indeed.

  4. Wilma, I cook pretty spontaneously. Never tried cauliflower with potato before, so we'll see.
    Liz, for all I know, my snowdrops are out, both of them. But there's a foot of snow over them. So we'll find out when it melts.
    Debra I hope people will spot your link there and show up on your blog.

  5. I don’t know when I last knew a cat that would catch mice.

  6. AC, it's a learned behavior from the mother. Kittens separated too young never learn it.

    I knew a cat, great mouser, but spayed, who put a lot of energy into trying to teach the family baby how.

    She'd catch a mouse, offer it, catch and offer repeatedly trying to get the baby to hold it, step one. I expect she thought this child would starve if he didn't learn some skills! A year old and still depending on his parents!

  7. In response to your answer to Anvilcloud about a mother cat teaching her baby to catch food, we had a cat (a Manx) who, after having a litter of kittens, started bringing in first dead very small animals that she'd caught and killed to give to her children. She worked her way up to larger ones, then ones that she had only crippled and set them loose for the young ones to catch and kill. Eventually, she was bringing in completely live rabbits for them!
    She was, I think, a very good mother.
    And this was when we lived in town.
    I think that cauliflower will go perfectly in with potato for a creamy soup.

  8. Another wonderful day and a lovely soup!

  9. That's a great description, Mary! All the stages of learning. And unlike human babies, the kits would catch on.

    I just had a bowl of the soup and indeed cauliflower is very good in it. I must remember this.

  10. Yes, e, another good day. Quite a few of them around. Probably the return of the light is brightening mood, too.

    When I visited Florida one December, I was stunned on arriving at the light level, so bright. Even when people were saying it was cloudy. Back to NJ and it seemed pitch dark by comparison, waiting for the sun to rise... At noon.

  11. Cozy is a good word for this cold weather in the Northeast. Cats are good mousers when they aten't napping. :)
    Hope all goes well with your appointment.

  12. My adult children have instagram accounts for all of these rescue cats they have adopted. It's quite a circus, LOL.

  13. The sun has warmth to it again! It melts the snow off the patio and shines through the windows at the front of the house again. Yay!

  14. The first thing on my mind this morning was not Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, but how soon would the next storm strike. Fortunately it will happen tonight, vs. today.

  15. My cat wasn't that great about catching mice in the house but she was hell on the little voles outside. Seems like I made cauliflower soup once. Should be good with the potatoes.


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