Monday, February 7, 2022

Fitness revisited

After several days of icy winds, rain, sleet, sunshine with bitter cold, so no walking, I thought I'd better do something to help my spirits the way walking does.

So yesterday I found my old Eight Pieces of Silk tape -- I still have a working VCR built into my ancient little tv -- and had a very good time with the exercises.

Renee Ryan made this long ago, and a friend in her class sent it to me. 

The names alone are a treat -- Punching with Angry Eyes is a favorite.  And it's really a great series of movements. My favorites are the ones where I punch out and kiyap, that yell you give to increase your power, and the one which simulates drawing a bow, which you see in the first picture.. 

There are stretching and balancing ones too, all very important for anyone but vital for me. The tape shows her conducting a class in the open air while explaining the moves. It's all about the meridians and attending to them. She addresses mood and stress, very timely still. Some of the balancing moves I do waiting for the microwave. And some stretches I learned from the next exercise teacher, read on 

And I think I'll get out Mary Ann Wilson again. I had a tape of her, and when she came out with a DVD, I added that in.

I love her approach. She's a fitness specialist nurse, knows anatomy and aging bodies and why it's better if exercise is fun. 

She too, like Renee,  has participants in the sessions, so you can see how ordinary people manage. And she's just dressed in slouchy socks, shorts, tee, no spandex anywhere, none of the  push harder, harder, don't stop, you can do this, which lands older women in the ER.

She incorporates yoga moves adapted for sitting as well as resistance training, without making an intimidating deal of it. It's not all chair exercise, but that's the default given she's working with older people, often people who are not very fit at the outset.

And I must say I'm more flexible this morning from the Eight Pieces of Silk yesterday. 

For anyone like me who hates exercising in a class, I've done yoga and tai chi, doesn't suit me to work at someone else's rhythm and pace, this is a good option. 

So that's all the exciting news Chez Boud.


  1. I'm impressed that you still have a VCR!

  2. It was cutting edge when I got it. Also the white TV. I was out there!

  3. Maybe you should see if you can have the tape digitized just in case your little TV bites the dust! I try to incorporate small exercises into my daily doings, too. It does make a difference.

  4. Our PBS station shows "Sit and Be Fit" episodes every afternoon.

  5. Debra, that's a blast from the past!

    Wilma, I'm okay with eight Pieces, because other instructors do it on YouTube. It's also known as eight Pieces of brocade.

  6. Exercise has kept me sane during this pandemic. I am glad it is only now that I can’t do much.

  7. Yes, I think your bicycle expeditions have been great.
    I had to take a break from weights while my facial surgery was happening, to protect the stitches,but finally they're evidently healing. I'll wait till after my follow up with the derma before I resume.

    Meanwhile walking has been the thing, weather permitting, which it hasn't recently.

  8. Your post makes exercisr sound like fun. :)

  9. That's how I hope it is. Otherwise I might not continue.

  10. Beginning is always the hardest and you have done that! Hurray for you!

  11. Good for you. I ger my exercise and yoga from You Tube!

  12. I used to have that very television, and replaced it with the television I watch today, the same size. My bil could never understand how I could watch a screen so small.

  13. Joanne, considering how many people watch on their phones, this screen looks pretty large. Suits me. My neighbors with massive TV's are amazes at it. But then I don't watch sports, and I think that's a big reason for a room size screen.

  14. You (kind of) make me want to get out some exercise videos I have and start warming up for spring walking.

  15. There are senior and chair exercise classes/routines on YouTube

  16. I'm usually pretty good about my home routine but I haven't been good at all for the last couple of weeks. Just can't get in the mood when it's really cold out. It does make a difference though.

  17. I used to take yoga classes but eventually stopped because, although the class was advertised as being 'gentle yoga for seniors', she started wanting us to stand on our heads. I have enough trouble with the normal way up without adding upside down to the equation. Despite knowing that I have issues with my wrist she would insist I needed to do a couple of the other poses 'her way' and I would end up in pain afterwards. Not exactly my definition of gentle yoga. I guess I should investigate some online versions and see if I can find something I can do. Chair yoga sounds intriguing.

  18. Yes, do take a look at YouTube. There's bound to be something that will work for you.

  19. Anything that involves punching out and kiyapping sounds good to me. I shall have to google the lady.


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