Wednesday, June 1, 2022

White rabbits! It's June. Already.


Though you might not think so, looking out

Here's Sanae Ishido's take

The lavender doesn't care about the cool, because yesterday's heat already set up the blossom

Almost in bloom, and a couple of neighbors will soon get their annual bunch of lavender to enjoy, bake with, put in linen closet, whatever they like.

Too hot to get out yesterday, so the Sock Ministry benefited, with the finishing of pairs thirteen and fourteen,

and the start of pair fifteen

The light color is a kind of very pale icy green, pleasing against the black wool merino.

Speaking of women's abilities, here's a great one, throwing shade as well as celebrating an achievement

And, on the reading front, here's a regular entry in my mailbox

This is just the latest, in a stream of great thinking and listening. Well worth subscribing (free) to get this content.

Today your humble blog writer is pretty content, despite all, hoping for better, protecting our hearts from breaking, doing what we can in our own little lives to lift each other up.



  1. Those women have stolen my heart.

  2. Wow. Good for those women! Inspiration indeed!

  3. Your completed socks look great! Happy June!

  4. Enjoy the lavender. Now that tulips are done we are down to almost Wilde forget-me-nots and potted petunias. But there is foliage, particularly the hostas.

  5. Of course they climbed in their traditional dress!

    It's been too hot to go out here for weeks so I've been in the studio.

  6. I can't grow lavender, it doesn't survive the winter. I love those women!

  7. I used to make wonderful lavender sachets, Take an odd number of very fresh blooms. Bend the stalks back over the blossoms, and with a stem, weave around.

  8. Yes, I'm familiar with making them. But I can't tolerate the feel of the stems. So I cut bunches and give them to people to use as they want. The way you describe does make lovely sachets.

  9. We love your blog and its kind of daily round up - both outward looking and personal experience. The 'today's thought' kind of blog and we go away feeling there is good and gentle stuff in the world (and inspired by things to follow up on). Love the climbers - all power to them.

  10. What a great thing for those women to do! Good on them.

  11. You have reminded me to add some lavender to my garden! I'll have to go hunting for some!

  12. Tigger, thank you! That's good to hear. Liz, yes, I like to signal boost for women's achievements, since they so often go unobserved.

  13. Martha, mine's in a container. I think the roots have probably gone through to the earth. It's survived a lot of severe cold and frost and snow, and blistering afternoon heat, seems seems to be a determined variety. Yes, try it. My neighbors have been trying for years to get one started, without success. I'm guessing mine has, by chance, the exact right spot.

  14. I think you're on the right track in doing what we can to lift each other up. If everyone did that, just think about the possibilities for our world.
    Would like to see men having to climb in dresses. Speaking of which, had a good laugh watching a video the other day of a guy who was challenged by his wife to wear long fingernails for a day. He couldn't do even the simplest of tasks. Mind you, I've never been able to have long nails so I doubt I would have done much better!


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