Wednesday, June 15, 2022

In praise of the carpenter's pencil

Handsome Son came to visit yesterday, to drink tea and eat raisin scones and get the info on where to drive us for the eye doctor appointment. Next Tuesday morning. Not too long to wait. 

Editing here to explain that this is the evaluation by the surgeon I'll be meeting,  where decisions will be made. Which eye first, when the first one will happen. That's when the first procedure will be scheduled.  The second eye will be one month later. I was not explaining clearly yesterday, you're supposed to have been here, in on the conversation!

Beautiful afternoon on the patio, chatting and planning and between that and coming home to a clean house, my spirits are doing better. My neighbor is looking at a similar surgery, with complications though. So I may be the next person to reassure someone else  that it will be okay, honest.

Early morning drawing, from bed, using one of my carpenter's pencils. 

These come in different softnesses, like other pencils, but with a flat graphite center.

So you get different surfaces to use, the broad edge, the narrow edge and the sharp points on the corners. It's like having different sized brushes. I used a 2B, soft, for this little drawing, using all the options in different places.

These were originally used by tradesmen working on sloping surfaces such as roofs, where it's a definite advantage to have a pencil that won't roll away and bounce down into the street.

Then artists coopted it, the hardware store being a favorite art supply source. Then art suppliers began to market it, label it for drawing, and charge more, art, you know. Anyway, however it's labeled, it's a great tool.

Happy day everyone, art will save us all


  1. At least you won't have too long to worry over the eye surgery (I was over 6 months but that was because of covid restrictions). Glad to know that Handsome Son is ready and willing to be the driver so at least you won't have that concern.
    Carpenter's pencils - I think my dad had one pretty much permanently tucked behind his ear for all the years he did woodworking. Never thought of using one for art.

  2. My brother who builds furniture and other wood things uses pencils like those. Recently he "chided" me because when he asked me for a pencil, I gave him a mechanical pencil (that or a colored pencil were the choices). He was not happy.

  3. My father was a carpenter so I am familiar with carpenter's pencils, but it would never have occurred to me to use them for art! D'oh! What a great idea!

  4. I occasionally find a carpenter's pencil here as Glen uses them in his...carpentry. I am always intrigued but have never yet picked one up and tried it on paper.
    I'mm glad you've got things sorted with your son as to arrangements. That is comforting.

  5. I'm quite familiar with them as I dated a couple of carpentry oriented guys in my youth but I've never thought to use one in drawing. Will the doctor be doing both eyes at once? Everyone I know that has undergone it got one done and then a month later, the other.

  6. It's good to have an appointment so quickly. Like everyone else, I am familiar with this pencil in it's traditional role!

  7. I remember using carpenters' pencils in a drawing class I took in college, and yes - they are versatile. I don't even think I realized then that they weren't "art tools". lol. I love how artists use things in unexpected ways. You make me want to look around and see if we rescued some from my engineer father-in-law's stash. I want to play with one now!

  8. Just fyi, next week's appointment is for the evaluation of what I need, which eye first etc. They'll be done a month apart. No surgery date until the evaluation is complete. I think readers may have thought next week is the surgery. Not yet.

  9. The carpenter's pencil seems to have aroused a few memories, as well as an urge to try it. Go for it!

  10. Good wishes for good news on the surgery

  11. The other handy thing about a carpenter's pencil is that you can sharpen easily with a knife. We buy them by the 12 pack and use them for - carpentry!
    They may discuss with you for the cataract surgery is if you want to go with eye that can see far and the other eye that can see near. I opted not to do that, but they say that it works very well for many people.

  12. Forgot to say how much I like the pencil sketch, especially moving the background around to make it more compact and interesting.

  13. I used my grandfather's carpenter pencil for drawing...made him laugh! So glad your son will be lending support.

  14. It is good the appointment with the eye surgeon is soon. Not too long to be anxious about it.

  15. Ive a huge bundle of builders pencils inherited from my Dad - never thought to put them to that use. Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. I think there was once one in my dad’s things, likely coming form his dad. Pretty sure I tossed it in my ignorance.


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