Thursday, June 2, 2022

Tiny marsupial, big cooking find

Yesterday I didn't do any Pride Month nod, for various reasons. One was not to rush in on top of the people whose pride it's about. One was not to shove a whole large population's human rights into a medley, like an afterthought. 

So here, with better attention, is my contribution

Crouton is the beloved rescued Jersey steer from Squirrelwood Sanctuary, a farm in NY State, run by Diane and Beth, committed to saving and caring for animals ranging from retired racehorses, one a descendant of Seattle Slew, calves, donkeys, pigs, geese, you name it. 

Some were removed from abusive situations and needing rehab, all cared for, named and with followers who gladly contribute to the endless need for fodder, housing, work  and medical attention. Diane and Beth are the couple you want to be when you grow up.

And here, oddly fitting, is yesterday's introduction to a cookbook writer, poet, columnist, brilliant young woman barely hitting thirty yet, and already with great accomplishment. 

This book comes with its own ribbon bookmark, too, and is such a friendly place, fun to read and I'm going to try the food, too. 

She's one of the few people who are not from Yorkshire but know what a pikelet is, and doesn't refer to it, unlike most London based food people,  in that oh how cute and quaint those strange northern folkways are..

Without intruding on her personal life, yes, she fits right in here, is simply open to love and friendship in a way that I find just so natural and right. 

And she has massive swings from energy and brilliant output to the depths of depression. Again, I'm not embarking in amateur diagnosis, just observing.

This midnight chicken is what she credits with saving her from ending her life again,  after one attempt she survived. I'm very thankful for it and the friend who was there for her. Part memoir, part cookbook, this book is a Good Thing entirely.

And just in case you think I haven't been cosy and cheerful and cute enough, here's the answer

This is enough to set your awwmeter registering eleven.

Yesterday's library movie was Lalaland, which drew a crowd of two to the library. The audience thereby doubled in size. 

It was down to one again when I left after giving it a fair chance, over an hour, before deciding life's too short to be watching a white guy trying to muscle in on another culture's art form, jazz,  in Hollywood. And various other unlikely scenarios. It all seemed to be moving in slow motion. Anyway, despite all its awards, not my thing.

Hope springs eternal, though. I'll see what next week has to offer. 

Meanwhile, knit on, vote, pray, contribute, let's mind our own patch and reach out to others' patches, too.


  1. I like the Rainbow Crouton stickers -- so cute! As is that wee marsupial. I wasn't all that impressed with "La La Land" either, despite all the rave reviews it received. My grouchy attitude throughout the whole movie was "Boo hoo, kids. Grow up."

  2. We are all about the rainbows all year 'round here. And not just the rainbows. The realities of what love truly means, no matter what shape, form, or flavor it takes. And if anyone cares to find out how Pride month got its beginnings, google The Stonewall Riots. Brave, incredible people who just finally said, "No. Not any more."
    Thank you for being an advocate.
    Now I really want to see a lentil-sized mousey bear baby.
    And that book looks like a true and lovely winner.

  3. Crouton is very cute! (The sticker, anyway.) And I liked "Lalaland," but I am a fan of LA in general, so for me it was partly a celebration of place. (I honestly don't remember the plot at all.)

  4. Another lovely compilation of unusual and thought-provoking. I'm pleased that at least one other person on the planet wondered what won LaLa Land all those awards. Your title today did get us wondering tho whether you had discovered a new dish of cooked tiny marsupials. We are pleased it wasn't (although Tigger would like the marsupual uncooked!) xxx Mr T and F

  5. Living in increasingly bigoted, increasingly nutcase far-red Idaho, I so appreciate New Jersey!

    And my awwww-meter blew its top with that planigale photo.

    Chris from Boise

  6. I agree about LaLa Land. Not my. Up of tea either.

  7. I haven't seen LaLa Land. It's unlikely I will. I bought one book awhile ago on your recommendation and liked it a lot. I think I'll buy this one. I love cookbooks, although I end up rarely using them. A cookbook with a story is right up my alley.

  8. What did you buy? Was it a cookbook?

  9. All the news that's fit to print. Thank you.

  10. There will be a number of Pride events in the county, but I am not sure if much is planned in our community this year although there has been in the past. I think one of the main organizers has been ill.

  11. I love and support the rainbows and you just have to love Crouton. You are right, that little marsupial blew my awe meter off the dial!

  12. Oh yes, my awwww-meter was in full voice over that wee creature.
    I've heard that movie was rather lacking in interest so have no desire to see it.

  13. Midnight chicken - that sounds like another book I'll have to order having seen it here first.


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