Thursday, June 23, 2022

Exciting news about chairs.

This title sounds like a Monty Python sketch about BBC news.

Yesterday Gary presented me with two garden chairs surplus to requirement, after cleaning them up with Borax. 

At his suggestion, the other chair, the weird greenish one, is now lodged in the clump of trees outside, where the kids play clubhouse. They'll like it.

So now it's four chairs, back to an even number.. but three are grouped, to satisfy aesthetic sensibility. Also the space available.

I followed up on Mary's comment to Steve and I'm now deep in this

It's about the legal confusion around growing poppies, and the potential fallout on innocent people just experimenting with gardening poppies.

The section about seeds may explain why there were suddenly several years when I couldn't get poppyseeds to put on my bread, after buying them easily in the baking section of the supermarket. I just checked and now they seem to be available again.

I remember knowing enough about poppyseeds to warn the students we worked with in a work co-op project at the local college, to avoid eating poppyseed bagels for a few days before drug testing. Evidently it tests like heroin in the fairly crude testing process, and would fail a drug test.

Talk about living dangerously, Pollan, such a great name for his work, innocently growing poppies to maybe make tea, found he could have lost everything to forfeiture.

Yesterday exhaustion took over, and I slept all afternoon, then supper, shower and slept all night. This medical stuff isn't for wimps. Too bad I'm a wimp..

Ink and brush today.

Also rain and cool weather, more like spring than the first days of summer. I'm liking it. 

Happy day everyone. 


  1. I'm always so happy when I recommend a Pollan book and someone really likes it. He goes on to discuss caffeine and peyote in the book as well. All extremely interesting. He is such a good and thorough writer.
    I love today's painting.
    And I would happily sit in any of those chairs on your deck.

  2. Glad you got rest
    Lovely painting
    The chairs do look nice in the 3 arrangement.

  3. Wow, you moved fast on that book! I will definitely read it. I've been intrigued and mystified by all the legal restrictions on poppies, so I'm looking forward to that aspect of the story. I laughed at your Monty Python joke -- I can TOTALLY see them doing that skit!

  4. Those a really nice chairs. I'm glad you rested, sorry your are stressed over medical things.

  5. You needed the rest! Take it easy, Boud.

  6. Thank you for the endorsement of resting. I feel so pressed to be doing, more than being. I guess a day or two of lying about is ok.

  7. Your porch arrangement is charming! Take it easy.

  8. Love your sketch of the plant! Poppyseed rolls are big in Ukrainian cuisine.

  9. Loved Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma. Must go looking for this one you are reading. Probably hard to find in Greece but I'll make a note for when we go home. I love the brush and ink style. Hope the sleep helped clear the worries.

  10. Your body knows what it needs if you just pay attention which you obviously did. Nice chair arrangement.

  11. Catching up on your posts.
    Your aesthetically grouped chairs look very welcoming.
    I'm glad to hear your journey towards eye surgery is progressing.
    I was child-sitting poorly children this week and thought I'd get them doing some water colours - inspired by your art. I took the stuff with me but they were too poorly - after-effects of Covid jab.
    I didn't know there were different ways of knitting!
    And how exciting to have a bear visit!

  12. Nice new chairs that look quite comfortable too. Even better that the price was right and you didn't have to clean them.
    Resting is a good thing - sometimes it's our mind and body telling us that we need to escape the pressures of life for a little bit and we need to pay attention.


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