Sunday, June 26, 2022

Plum cake, daylilies and grubby sneakers

Yesterday was hot and humid, and I baked. I'd started before I realized this wasn't a great move. In fact I got wobbly partway through and had to sit in front of the fan, push the cooling down a bit and drink water till I recovered. Which I did, and here's the plum snacking cake that resulted.

It's from Melissa Clark, whose recipe used figs but I had all those Misfits plums. When I ordered them, I had originally thought I'd make that Marian Burrows plum torte I've made joyfully every year when the plums come in, but decided this one was more my mood yesterday.

It's crisp on top, crunchy with raw sugar, cake-like inside and the plums are tart and just very good. Plenty for Handsome Son, neighbors and the baker.

The daylilies are starting to blaze, with the lavender now just ebbing a bit, and the  daisies blooming away, though, against the stucco, they're hard to see in a picture.

Gary hauled me out last evening to trudge about in his yard for a place to plant his new bit of groundcover. He tends to fall in love with plants then, once home, to wonder where they can go in his increasingly jammed little area.

You know how to the writer everything is copy? To the artist everything's a subject.I never understand people saying they can't think what to draw. 

Anyway here's a Sharpie and black Crayola pencil of the grubby old sneakers I wear for working the back forty.

As always I present this humbly, not assuming it's great, just that it's the best I can do right now, and I'm sharing.

Happy summer Sunday, everyone!


  1. The plum cake looks so good - and lots for sharing, which is always a good thing. We're going to have to find a new person to share with because our across-the-hall-neighbour has moved into assisted living. He was the best taste tester for anything we felt inspired to share.
    Shoes are a good subject to draw but I certainly wouldn't have thought of them.

  2. Your garden is so lush, even in the middle of summer!

  3. I looked back at this day last year's pictures and found this exact cake, also with plums, same baking tray. I guess the same mood came over me then,too, same day.

  4. Glad you recovered from heat! Heat exhaustion is scary.
    The plum cake looks good. Your drawing has charm, movement.

  5. I remember you baking the cake last year too. I do like the drawing of your sneakers. I do the same as your neighbor. Buy some plant and then have a hard time finding a place for it. My daylilies are all but done now.

  6. I am trying not to use my big oven these days and have discovered that my small air fryer/toaster oven makes delicious biscuits in about a third of the time! Of course, not too many but that's a good thing. A regular sized cake wouldn't fit in it, but a half recipe probably would.
    Be careful in the heat!

  7. And this is how I know I am not an artist or a creative writer. Every time I see a clever creation I just look at it in awe, wondering how on earth people continue to come up with new stuff. Surely everything new has already been imagined and created, and every clever phrase has already been turned... Recently a friend read some of her poetry to me and when she finished, I sincerely sat back amazed and said, "That's it! There can't possibly be anything more to write!"

    Your plum cake sounds delicious. A little tart with a little sweet - a perfect combination.

  8. Interesting comment, Becki. The thing is that everything hasn't been made or said by that person, from their own need. That's how you don't run out!

    What a wonderful audience you were for your friend. You complete the art by experiencing it.

  9. Recently I am making fruit cakes, single fruit that is, apple, rhubarb, banana, pineapple. Plum sounds yummy! Hmmm…

  10. You did those grubby old sneakers justice! And that plum cake looks deelish!

  11. That plum cake will make everyone happy.

  12. Sue really feels the heat. so the oven won’t go on a whole lot until the fall.

  13. (Now he's put on what looks like a haz-mat suit!)

    That cake looks delicious. And your sneaker drawing is great.


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